Saturday, November 28, 2009
Liyana Hanim
Selamat Hari Raya Haji to all my Muslim readers & friends!
As you probably know,I love to cook/bake and eat.Thus,I’ll never be Kate Moss thin.ahaha.Although I love to cook/bake,I haven’t had the time to do much of it lately,especially this semester.But recently,I made a few things that I thought it’d be great to share with you guys here.
Below are the picture of a sort-of a rocky road brownies recipe that I tried.It wasn’t a great recipe because what came out,although I measure everything right and etc,it was a little bit dry.I think I’ll go with Martha Stewart’s recipe the next time because hers never fails! I cook pasta a few times in a month because my brothers love em’.And it is really easy to make & is not expensive at all.I think the priciest ingredient would be the spices or like lucky old me,if you have parents who loves to garden,fresh basil/rosemary/oregano awaits you to pluck them for free!hehehe.I found a way to make the bolognaise sauce easier & saves time because let’s face it,time is of the ESSENCE after all..:)..
What I do is I cut the tomatoes(about 9 or 10 medium size ones) into quarters,rip a bunch of fresh basil leaves(dry ones will do too,about 1 big tablespoon),a few cloves of garlic,a pinch of salt & some sugar & BLEND them ALL together in the food processor/blender.Instead of tediously blanching the tomatoes in hot water,peeling the skins & chopping them into cubes which takes time! Below are the pictures of my attempt in baking pineapple tarts for the first time.My parents,avid pineapple tarts fan,loved them!Yeay!!!The recipe was a success that my aunt who came for lunch during Raya Haji,took home 1 whole ‘balang’.hehe. Ooh,a day before Raya Haji me & my siblings & mum,went out to shop and I manage to buy 2 bags that I love.It's hard for me to find a replacement for this bag that was stolen a week before Raya from me,with all the contents in the inside too which cost me a lot of money!!!haih..Moving on..I bought 2 bags below.Both bags got my mum fashion approval & she paid for them..Thanks mama!!Both were very reasonably price & got a discount for one of em' which is always a plus!
I love Moxx!I always wear this Paris t-shirt that I bought from them months ago & funnily,I saw a shop selling an imitation version of it because the drawings are in a different & gaudy color & there's no drawings in the back,like the original one.A t-shirt at Moxx is about rm59.90.I'm so glad that I can throw away the old bag of mine that I have been using & it's torn in places & is so uglyyy..hahaha.I've been using one of the bags while the other gorgeous black leather & vintage looking one is still in the plastic wrap & paperbag because it's just too precious & I'll use it after I 'break in' the other one.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Liyana Hanim
We have been fed with endless romantic comedy movies or as they call it,romcom,for so long. Movies that ends with a happy ending. Boy meets girl, they go through some trouble but ultimately, they end up happily ever after. But 500 days of summer is not that kind of movie. I love the fact that the movie shows the gritty side of love. The painful side of it that is rarely shown in a movie. I have to admit that I have been in Tom’s situation and Summer’s situation too. Everyone in the world has probably been in the shoes of one or the other main characters.
The moment the disclaimer was shown at the start of the movie, the one that said Jenny Beckman is a bitch, I know this was going to be a good movie. I don’t know if this part was shown in theatres in Malaysia because I watched the movie courtesy of my brother who downloaded it. And then the song Us by Regina Spektor, one of my favourite singer ever, was used at the start of the movie and I was sold.haha.
The movie just reminded me that fact that you can treat the one that you love/like as nice as you can,do all the right things but if things aren’t meant to be,it just won’t.But it might take a while for us to realize it because we’ll be fixating on the fact that what did we do wrong that,that person changed their mind, like what Tom was so broken over, over what Summer did to him.It was not his fault.Like Summer said to him,she can’t promise that her feelings will not change.
I have been there when you replay all the great things that the person did in your heart and it only makes it worse .Because like what Tom’s lil sis said,maybe he didn’t see the bad things that Summer did because he just ‘remembered the good stuff’.Because we want to believe in the good of that said person and that we weren’t wrong in falling for them in the first place.I can talk on and on about this movie but I do not want to ruin it for others who have yet to watched it.It’s a great movie and everyone should watch it.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Liyana Hanim
Due to the fact that this semester was pretty hectic for me and because my schedule clash a lot with my friends—when they’re not busy,I am but when I am busy,they’re not—thus,I didn’t get to watch 2 movies that I wanted to watch this semester.They were 500 Days of Summer & Papadom.I blogged about the official trailer of the former,months ago.
Thanks to my brother Haziq,who have amassed a LOT of movies in his hard disk since he bought it this semester,I was able to watch both movie in crystal clear quality.The first one that I watched was Papadom and because of the hype of the movie from various people,I sort of had this expectation of it which I shouldn’t have because truthfully, when I watched it,I was a wee bit disappointed. It was not a great or amazing movie. It was just good or okay-lah.
There were some hilarious parts that involved Farid Kamil and Que Haidar which I never thought they could do because I guess I don’t watch tv that much so I haven’t seen both of them playing any comedic roles.I saw some of my friends as extras in the movie like Akim & Freaky..And I remember that during part 4 of degree(I’m part 8 now),my friend Akim offered me to join as extras for the movie but I decline because me + being in a film just doesn’t seem like a good idea.Funnily,both Akim & Freaky was in the same scene.ahaha.
I thought Afdlin played his role very well and he looked very cute like a teddy bear.haha.I love the Miasara song because the lyric was kooky.Liyana Jasmay to me,hurm,I don’t know why she won the best actress award for that movie because it wasn’t a particularly challenging role like Charlize Theron in Monster which she won an Oscar for.She played a teenage girl in a uni for god’s sake who have a happy life thus,it wasn’t hard since she’s being herself & many other young girls out there.But this is my opinion.If you disagree,it’s okay because everyone is entitled to have an opinion.
Khairiah who plays Mun/Ghost did a great job eventhough technically she’s just a hallucination in Saadom’s head.She did a great job and I’m still waiting for the day where she would get an award for her acting because she has played some tough roles throughout her career but she hasn’t been recognized.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Liyana Hanim
Aku seorang yang jarang2 nangis bila tengok filem atau drama. Tapi malam Raya Haji baru2 ni,satu family dok tengok Taubat Nasuha kat tv3.Amboi watak ayah dia yang sapa nama tuh,teruk giler!Ada ke teleng2 kepala anak tak tentu pasal.Ayah aku yang panas baran pun takdelah 24 jam nak menjerit2 jer and tonyoh2 kepala anak & campak2 dieorang.Gila ke ape?Mungkin adalah ayah macam tuh kan,harap2 lepas tonton drama tuh,mereka berhenti melakukan perkara tersebut dan bertaubat.
Hah,tajuk kat atas ni sebab bila pencuri dua orang samun Laila(Sheila Rusly)& anak2 dia,yang anak nombor 2,bila dah bergelut2 dan kene debik2 dengan salah seorang dari si pencuri tuh,gigit tangan pencuri dan cuba nak selamatkan mak dia.Dalam waktu yang sama,mak & anak paling bongsu kena debik2 dengan pencuri yang lagi satu.Dahlah Laila tuh berdarah2 sebab dia mengandung & pencuri tu tolak dia sampai jatuh tersembam.Yang si suami bodoh tu pulak dok syok2 bermanja2 dengan boss pompuan dia & tak jawab panggilan telefon si isteri yang dalam bahaya.Kali ke-2 si isteri telefon,sebab pencuri suruh tanya kat mana barang2 kemas dia letak,si suami angkat telefon,& dah ko dengar isteri ko menangis2 kat talian tuh,yang ko hang up the phone apehal?Memang bangang!
Jadi,si anak ke-2 pun melurulah nak selamatkan ibu dia selepas gigit tangan pencuri,tapi,si pencuri kejar die & tercucuk pisau betul2 kat perut anak tuh.Pastuh pencuri yang lagi satu stab anak sulung pulak.Last sekali ibu & anak bongsu.
Bila part anak ke-2 yang chomel & tembam tuh kena stab,air mata aku dah jatuh berbaldi2 dah.Aku tak bolehlah sebab mereka macam adik2 aku sendiri sebab mereka pun suka bising2 dan gaduh2.Jadi sangat sedih sebab mereka adik beradik sangat rapat & kena bunuh disaat nak tolong ibu meraka walhal ayah mereka bersuka ria dengan pompuan lain.Adik bongsu aku,Raffiq yang tengok pon nangis,mama yang tengok pon nangis.Sangat sedih & meninggalkan kesan yang dalam.Akhirnya,si ayah tinggal sebatang kara,menangis tak berhenti di tikar sembahyang sambil ayah di mententeramkan dia.Sedih sangat sebab aku memang pantang hal2 famili ni.
Hal2 berkaitan family yang sedih2 memang senang buat aku menangis sebab family aku nombor 1 dalam hidup aku.Jadi,bila tengok Taubat Nasuha,buat aku lebih menghargai adik2 aku.Juga buat aku takut dengan jenayah yang semakin menjadi2 sebab dalam drama tuh,pagar automatik rumah dekat dah nak tutup tapi 2 pencuri berjaya masuk jugak & akhirnya satu famili terbunuh.Dan pencuri tu mengekori ibu dari saat dia ke atm nak keluar duit,ambik budak2 kat sekolah & balik rumah.Takutkan?Berhati2lah kawan2.huhu.Dan luang2kanlah masa bersama keluarga.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Liyana Hanim
After a few years of being MIA on stage,Jit Murad is back & it was a memorable night.Although there were some boring parts but please be reminded that this time around there won't be as much jokes as Full Of Jit had.Rather,the night was about Jit talking about his childhood,peppered with jabs towards some politicians & towards what else,the concept of 1 Malaysia,and the best part of all---RENEE CHOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOHOOOOO She steals the show man!!!hahaha So everyone,do go & watch as the show will end on Sunday..It's a PJ Live Arts!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Liyana Hanim
ATTENTION: PEOPLE,GO & WATCH KARAOKE AT GSC MID VALLEY!!I am one of the many fans of Zahiril Adzim because he's a brilliant actor,articulate blogger and cute to boot..ehehe.Read his entry about it HERE.I'm going to watch the movie with my friends right after Raya Haji so go & watch & support local movies!:)))
I’m soooo excited over the fact that Jit Murad is back on stage!The last time I saw his standup show (Full of Jit) was almost 4 years ago and that was in Actors Studio Bangsar,which doesn’t exist anymore.So it has been a long time coming!!My friends and I laugh out loud so bad during Full Of Jit that Jit Murad notice and came up to us during his show which made us laugh even harder.Heard that Rene Choi (his many impersonation) will make a comeback...wooohooo!
So people,come one and all to watch the brilliant Jit Murad & I had a hella of a good time the last time I saw his show. The proceed from the show will benefit a charity which I forgot it’s name.Price for student is only rm38,which to me is very reasonable considering the fact that Jit doesn’t do his show annually. Bring your student card to PJ Live Arts Box Office counter or buy it at Ticket Charge office in Mid Valley.The link for the details of the show is HERE.
Last Wednesday,I went to Sunway College along with Izza & Moja for the launch of Amir Muhammad's book titled Yasmin Ahmad's Films because Moja's comment on one of the films was in the book.He got the book for free too!!hish..Read Izza's review of the book HERE for details.
Raya Haji or Qurban will be on the 27th and I will be busy helping my mum cook the dishes on Thursday.I want to make pineapple tarts this time because me & my mum will always search for the best one and a lot of them just disappoint us so I thought why not I bake them myself?I’ll put up the recipe and how I made them soon on this blog.
Ironically, I was going to do my AE on The Appropriateness of the current literary texts. Because to me, it hasn’t been changed in so many years and a lot of it is not relevant anymore. Suddenly, I found out that next year, a whole new list of literary texts will be used in schools across Malaysia and I have to say all of them looks promising and gives me quite a number of possibility to create exciting lessons for my students next semester, when I do my practicum.
I am a bit jealous over the fact that they have drama now. It would be so much fun for the students because they get to act it out with their classmates and I have to say, the 2 times that I had to act on stage for my course was definitely fun. Thus, I am sure it would be a great experience for the students, especially those in rural areas to branch out and try acting in English for a change. Below is the list of new literary texts for secondary school students across Malaysia. The list of novels however, has yet to be confirmed.
Form 1-3
I wonder by Jeannie Kirby The River by Valerie Bloom Mr.Nobody--yes this is an anonymous poem.How cool is that?? Heir Conditioning by M.Shanmughalingan A fighter’s lines by Marzuki Ali Leisure by William Henri Davies
Short Stories
Flipping Fantastic by Jane Langford One is one and All Alone by Nicholas Fisk
Form 4 & 5
Poems In the midst of hardship by Latiff Mohidin He had such quiet eyes by Bibsy Soenharjo Nature by H.D Carberry Are you still playing your flute by Zurinah Hassan
Short Stories
QWERTYUIOP by Vivien Alcock The Fruitcake Special by Frank Brenman
Gulp and Gasp by John Townsend
P/S:Ellen Whyte reads my blog??Cool!:) And my followers on Twitter are 70 people now—thank you so much to those who actually want to read my tweets..:)...Oh,THIS blog is so cool!Especially for shoe-loving girls like me..hehehe
I have family and friends who love me.Although I have to admit sometime being single does suck. You can’t drag your friends to each event that you want to go to. They have their own lives too. You can’t tell them everything about you because they have problems too. Sometimes I think it’s nice to have a guy who wants to take care of you for a change. It’s nice to be able to rely on someone for once.
Sometimes when I see my friends who are in love and there’s a lot of them around me,you can’t help but wonder what does it feel like? What does it feel like to truly miss someone that your heart hurts? What does it feel like being able have someone who is there at the end of the day, standing there with a big hug when everything isn’t right and just with that hug, makes everything alright? Yeah, I am actually a closet romantic. I haven’t had a chance to ‘come out’ yet..:P
I am not an impenetrable rock. Although some of my friends said that I tend to jump from one guy to another. One even said that she can’t keep track of whom I am dating because there’s been quite a few. Which in my defense, it’s like 4 guys in 1 year, 5 tops. Hey, I’m only 22!
But trust me, if I go out with you, it means I actually like you enough to go out with you. But if a second date doesn’t happen or I stop texting you, it means that we don’t click enough for me to want to take it any further.
I don’t flirt with every Tom, Dick and Harry. When I fall for someone, it’s hard for me to fall out of it. I have to say that out of the many, there has been only 3 guys that were able to make me truly fall for them .2 of them are faraway from me in the sense that they don’t live in Klang Valley and one is actually thousands of miles away from Malaysia. The other one I am still friends with.
The first one was amazing but I was too young to fully understand what we had or appreciate him. The second one has great chemistry with me and I loved him and he knows it. But the miles apart affected the feelings that I had and he became too horny for my liking and he made me feel objectified. The last one was very complicated and we both made mistakes, but I still have feelings for him, I won’t lie.:)
There, I am not on some kind of celibacy since there were many almosts. The thing is, I prefer to date around rather than be in a relationship that makes me miserable, feels trapped or won’t go anywhere. When I do settle down with a guy and commit to him, it would be for the long run and I will be the best girlfriend to him ever..cehwah. hahaha.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Liyana Hanim
Currently I have been listening to these songs on repeat,over and over again.I just love the lyrics of all of the songs.
Let's Just Fall In Love Again by Jason Castro
This song never fails to put a smile on my face.It's so upbeat and cheeky and sunny.Plus Jason is such a hottie!:)
Lets pretend baby That you've just met me And I've never seen you before I'll tell all my friends That I think youre starin' And you say the same to yours
And oh, well dance around it all night And then I'll follow you outside And try to open up my mouth And nothing comes out right
And I wanna fall in love with you again I don't have to try It's so easy Who needs to pretend? But because its so funny Lets just think about it, honey Lets just fall in love again
I'll call you in three days Not too soon, not too late And I'll ask your roommate if you're home You call me on Thursday And well hang out all day Then fall asleep on the phone
And oh, I'll hold your hand when we drive And we'll lose track of all the time And wel'l tell everyone That we ain't never felt so alive
And I wanna fall in love with you again I don't have to try It's so easy Who needs to pretend? But because its so funny Let's just think about it, honey Let's just fall in love again We'll fall disgustingly fast And we'll stop hangin out with friends And they'll be so offended
And I wanna fall in love with you again I don't have to try It's so easy Who needs to pretend? But because its so funny Lets just think about it, honey Lets just fall in love again Lets just fall in love again
Untouchable by Taylor Swift
I don't know how many times I have listen to this song ever since the platinum edition of Fearless album came out.I feel that I can identify with the lyrics because I've been there..Wanting someone that you can't have..:(
Untouchable like a distant diamond sky I’m reaching out and I just can’t tell you why
I’m caught up in you I’m caught up in you
Untouchable Burning brighter than the sun And when you’re close I feel like coming undone
In the middle of the night When I’m in this dream It’s like a million little stars Spelling out your name You gotta come on, come on Say that we’ll be together Come on, come on Little taste of heaven
It’s half full and I won’t wait here all day I know you’re saying that you’ll be here anyway
But you’re untouchable Burning brighter than the sun Now that you’re close I feel like coming undone
In the middle of the night When I’m in this dream It’s like a million little stars Spelling out your name You gotta come on, come on Say that we’ll be together Come on, come on Oh
In the middle of the night We could form this dream I wanna feel you by my side Standing next to me You gotta come on, come on Say that we’ll be together Come on, come on Little taste of heaven
Oh, oh I’m caught up in you Oh, oh, oh
Untouchable Burning brighter than the sun And when you’re close I feel like coming undone
In the middle of the night When I’m in this dream It’s like a million little stars Spelling out your name You gotta come on, come on Say that we’ll be together Come on, come on Little taste of heaven
Come Home by One Republic feat.Sara Bareilles
But the video below is not the one where One Republic duet with Sara Bareilles.I just love the made me very sad and contemplative.
[Verse 1] Hello world Hope you're listening Forgive me if I’m young For speaking out of turn There’s someone I’ve been missing I think that they could be The better half of me They’re in their own place trying to make it right But I’m tired of justifying So i say you’ll..
[Chorus] Come home Come home Cause I’ve been waiting for you For so long For so long And right now there's a war between the vanities But all i see is you and me The fight for you is all I’ve ever known So come home Oooh
[Verse 2] I get lost in the beauty Of everything i see The world ain’t as half as bad As they paint it to be If all the sons If all the daughters Stopped to take it in Well hopefully the hate subsides and the love can begin It might start now..Yeahh Well maybe I’m just dreaming out loud Until then
[Chorus] Come home Come home Cause I’ve been waiting for you For so long For so long And right now there's a war between the vanities But all i see is you and me The fight for you is all I’ve ever known Ever known So come home Oooh
[Interlude] Everything i can’t be Is everything you should be And that’s why i need you here Everything i can’t be Is everything you should be And that’s why i need you here So hear this now
[Chorus] Come home Come home Cause I’ve been waiting for you For so long For so long And right now there's a war between the vanities But all i see is you and me The fight for you is all I’ve ever known Ever known So come home Come home
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Liyana Hanim
Below are some pictures from the AAR concert by Digi a few weeks ago...*All pics courtesy of Ella's cam.
Ooh,about the title of this post..I WAS a huge fan of Grey's 2 years ago and I have all 3 seasons on dvd--all when Burke was in it..when Burke left,I sort of left too..Because I love watching the dynamic between Burke & Christina that I will quote their lines..hahaha.Thus,I sort of skipped the 4th season and a lot of the 5th season too..
But the finale from the 5th season blew me over!It was a great finale that had me hanging on for more and I have to say Grey's Anatomy is back with a big bang with the 6th season.A lot of new faces and I am so glad that Christina might get a new dude in the form of the dishy Avery /Jesse Williams(whom I had a crush on since he starred in the Sisterhood 2 movie) if what she has with Owen goes bust..hey,a girl should always have options..ahaha.I kid!! So people,do watch Grey's season 6--cos' it's awesome!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Liyana Hanim
AAR (All American Rejects)
AAR came and rock Malaysia again last Saturday night and I was there along my 4 other friends(Izza,her sis Izrin,Ella & Acad),right after Readings@SEKSAN. We came just in time when the 1st opening act, Disagree was about to play.Pop Shuvit,One Buck Short(Mookie was in the hospital though),Liyana Fizi,Sam Bunkface and the dude from Gerhana Ska Cinta performed.Some lame dance comp thingy that the dj’s of Fly Fm did on stage.
Managed to push ourselves through the crowd,thanks to El’s wisdom..lols.Waited AAR to come on stage for about 50 minutes.Got into a tiff with some stupid first time concert goers..Word of advice,lame people who are afraid of getting packed like sardines,sweaty,pushed around and etc,don’t go to concert! They left even before AAR came on stage..losers!Oh,smoking during a concert is SO not cool.It’s hard enough for us to breath due to lack of space+BO=lack of oxygen.
Tyson with his native American head gear & glittery arms came on stage and they rocked the house.He is just as energetic and fun and campy and awesome!!!It was worth the wait.I love love his performance.Met a lot of cool guys during the concert.Some very cute ones,like the Thai dude with the big hair that obstructed Izza’s view—lolss,the cute brother who hold his lil’ sis on his shoulder(wonder how the lil girl who looked 7 or 8 years old,managed to get in?) or the bunch of guys when we were behind us who shouted in a exaggerated gedik way--‘We love you tyson’..hahaha and they memorized all the lyrics yo!When the concert was about to end,we suddenly got thrown with glitter coming out of nowhere..bahaha.
After the concert ended,because we were way in front,on the way out,saw a lot of familiar faces.The people from Readings were there too,said hye,took some pics.Met some of my seniors & colleagues as well.All the pics are in Ella’s camera thus I don’t have it with me.
Perdana Discourse Series This was my 2nd time going to the discourse series.My first one was about 3 years ago and I remembered the topic was about education and Tun Dr.M had a lot more to talk about it since his well verse in that topic.This time around we could sense that the topic was not really his cup of tea.
The topic this time around was The Role of Women and Youth in National Development.The panel of speakers was Dina Zaman, Tengku Zafirul and others that I can’t remember because the brochure & bag that I got is in the trunk of my too lazy to take it out..ahaha. Izza went too although initially,it was for PART 8 students who took Professional Development but because there were many empty seats available,it was opened to others as well at the last minute.So it was fun sharing the experience with Izza again because the first time that I went there was with her too.Want to blog more about it but this post is becoming too long. Pisau Cukur*Hey,Mak is here!!woohooo.Miss her lots!!
I watched the much anticipated movie by Bernard Chauly a few days ago and it was light,funny and made me want to go on a cruise.I’ll give the movie 3 out of 5.:)..Maya Karin has a such a fit body & I wish I could be that diligent in working out--she has muscles man!
I thought that Faqir played by Shahredza Minhat is very very cute.I saw him in Impian and Mak(Farhana) said that he worked at Bank Negara cause she saw him & she has even served him rice before(long story..)..
The last day of my finals made me realize that..Hey,this your LAST finals EVER!After spending almost 5 years in UiTM—1 year for Pre-Degree TESL & 4 years of B.Ed TESL--,I’ve to say that it felt like a dream .It felt like only a while ago that I experience MMS,went for the Pre-TESL interview and many many great and not so great things happened in these past 4 years & ½...So many memories was posted on this blog and most of it is tuck safely in my memory.
I only have to do my practicum left, and that scares me for a number of reasons that only my close friends knows why..huhuhu.This hols won’t be much of a holiday cos’ will be busy with Willow,helping my mum run errands and drive her here and there, & I’m hoping that my dad will allow me to go camping with some friends too. Believe it or not,I actually love it because I have an excuse not to bathe during camping(the last time I went,I didn’t bathe for 2 days..hahaha) and not have to primp or wear makeup because I primp myself everyday..gahahaha.
Will be abandoning this blog for a couple of days,1 week tops, because there’s so much to be done,things to do,buy,fitness(lolsss),and lots of sleeping.:)Byeee!!
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Liyana Hanim
The past weekend starting from Friday night was spent by me with friends whom I’m sorry to say, I haven’t done so in almost a month or so on the account that all of us are busy as hell .It was good to catch up on things, sleep over, pillow talk(muahaha) and actually managed to go out with the girls to watch a movie(woaah the last movie that I watched at the cinema was The Ugly Truth—been that long!) after I have been busy with assignments, getting sick and many other things.
Sadly we missed a few of the girls..Hani & Yaya is super busy with the crazy/near dying point that is Part 6 while Mak is in Keramat—sorry Mak(time aku takde kat Shah Alam,dia ajak kuar tapi xdpt..bile aku kat Shah Alam,die dah kat Keramat)!!!!I miss you so much & your crazy antics & your jokes...sob sob sob sob.
Watched The Time Travelers Wife and it moved me although not to tears though.I thought that the idea of the ability to travel through time is cool although the naked part so isn’t and funnily the moral that I got from the movie is that,One should not choose hunting as a hobby..lols.Watch the movie or read the book to understand that. On Saturday went to Readings at SEKSAN in Bangsar because Moja and Izza are doing a reading to promote Whoa Willow!. Had a hard time finding the place with the boys and they made me become a KL driver because I kept making turns at places that I’m not supposed to do so or cutting others abruptly and basically I drove like a drunk man or like Acad’s word..’Sangat jantan’.lolsss
I am actually amazed when I was at Readings at the authors who are able to pen their thoughts into books and published them. Katz Tales by Ellen Whyte was so funny.Amir Muhammad was there but I was too shy to ask to take a pic with him or any people there for that matter because I felt so small.The authors there are people whom I wish I could become and although my parents,friends and some lecturers have encouraged me to pen a book,I have yet to be able to do so.
I am even more impressed with people who are able to write poetry because I am not able to do so.I can write pages on a topic that I believe in or create a piece of fiction but poetry is something that I can’t do,be it in the Malaysian language or the English language.
To me poem is about putting your emotions and thoughts into very few words and I find it hard to do so. Thus, I am always in awe over poets. I am not great poets like my friends ,Izza and Moja. BTW, both of you guys should compile your respective poems. Moja pens great sajak(Malay poems) and have helped me with 2 sajak that I had to do for my koko(muehehe), while Izza always managed to write poems that are thought provoking and out of my level of comprehensibility .lolss
Oh,the place that Readings was held was so beautiful...The house(SEKSAN) was amazing and looks like a great place for a retreat or an awesome PARTY PAD!woohoo...Sooo need to find out how much does it cost to rent the place for a day or one night because YOU CAN!!The organizer,Sharon said that the place can be rent for events.There’s a beautiful long green pool in the middle of the house,lots of woods mixed with concrete,old Malay kampong house doors,lush greenery,lots and lots of beds around.
Ciao..!!I am going to Tun Dr.Mahathir’s Perdana Discourse tomorrow & it is my second time!!I have one more assignment to go & 1 more final paper to study for...huhuh.
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