Harapan 2011

Friday, December 31, 2010 Liyana Hanim 2 Comments

Marilah kita berblog dalam bahasa ibunda sekali lagi..lagipun bukan selalu saya blog dalam bahasa melayu kat sini.hehe.Okay,saya bukan salah seorg yang suka buat list2 new year resolution sebab takut nanti tak dapat nak tunaikan,sendiri pulak malu kan?haha.
Jadi saya nak buat satu list harapan saya untuk 2011.

Yelah,lagi beberapa jam kan nak tahun baru?Harapan lah sebab kita boleh berharap dan berdoa kearah kebaikan tapi bukan kita yang menentukan(tapi tak bermaksud kita tak patut berusaha okay—macam perumpamaan dalam BI—‘God help those who help themselves’.

Sebelum saya lebih banyak membebel,mari lihat apakah harapan saya untuk tahun 2011.

1.Murah rezeki bagi family saya.

Hidup family saya bukanlah senang sangat macam family orang lain.Gaji ayah pun cukup2 je untuk keperluan sekeluarga--saya sekarang guna duit sendiri jadi tidak termasuk dalam kategori itu..ahahah—okay tapi ayah byr la bil air/elektrik/streamyx yang saya guna di rumah ni..hehe.

Jadi saya harap semoga ayah & mama murah rezeki,boleh pergi bercuti sebab kesian mereka dah bertahun kot xpergi ke mana2 yang santai dan paling penting,murah rezeki untuk mengerjakan haji.

Kadang2 kesian tengok ayah kerja macam orang gila,keluar rumah hari2 pukul 6.10,balik pukul 8.30 malam tapi gaji dia setiap bulan tak pernah pakai untuk diri sendiri.Semua ayah bagi pada mama untuk langsaikan bil2 macam bil sewa rumah(ada 2 rumah sebab satu kat seremban,yang kami pernah tinggal 6 tahun dulu,masih belum dijual),sewa kereta,elektrik,kredit kad & macam2 lagilah.

Jadi saya tahulah bahawa ayah memang tak pakai duit untuk diri sendiri.Mama lagilah jarang memanjakan diri.Kadang2 terpikir bilalah saya boleh kaya supaya boleh menyenangkan hidup mama & ayah.Insyallah manalah tahu satu hari nanti kan?

2.Perangai lebih matang

Saya akui diri saya memang kurang matang.Saya seorang yang cepat naik angin,macam budak2,kadang2 emo,kadang2 terlebih gila2,banyak bercakap,kurang sabar, dan macam2 lagilah.Sebab tu kot saya harap pengalaman bekerja dan jarang dapat berkumpul dengan kawan2 rapat=harus bergantung pada diri sendiri sebab mereka semua pon sibuk dengan kerja masing2 akan lebih mematangkan saya.

Ya lah,dulu masa universiti asyik bergembira je,sekarang kenalah serious2 pulakkan dan memangla kadang2 susah nak telan sebab banyak kekangan seperti tak boleh dah sesuka hati nak pergi mana2 atau tak boleh dah nak ponteng2 kelas sebab sekarang kerja so if ponteng memang you say bye2 la kan.ahaha.

Saya juga berharap dipertemukan dengan jejaka(cehwah) yang dapat mematangkan saya tapi takdelah sampai buat kita rasa diperkotakkatikkan(betul ke eja ni?hentam saja!) dan dalam masa yang sama tidak akan mempersia2kan saya(ehem,sori kepada yang terasa).

Sebab kadang2 kita hanya mahu dihargai dan walaupun nampak macam ganas dari luaran,kadang2 saya memang seorang yang sensitif(perempuan kot). Aduh,sudah2 la buk--nasihat untuk diri sendiri,tutup buku lama,buka buku baru—eh2 ada ke buku baru masalahnya?-___-

3.Kesihatan/pemakanan yang lebih baik

Oleh kerana jadual harian dipenuhi dengan kerja2,jadi waktu lapang dilapangkan untuk tidur2 atau masak2/bake2 atau mengdraft research masters(kunun),saya akuilah bahawa saya semakin hari semakin kurang memberi perhatian kepada kesihatan dan pemakanan.

Asal lapar,apa2 pun makan.Mana boleh macam tu..Macam manalah berat badan asyik tak naik,turun,naik,turun macam yoyo?

Harap2 bila ada rezeki lebih nanti nak beli basikal exercise tuh..haa mesti korg mula2 ingat saya nak beli basikal fixie ke mountainbike ke—jangan nak berangan sebab saya tak reti naik beskal tuh!ahaha.

Oh,juga nak belajar lah berenang!Nak daftar kat uitm.hehe.Yelah sampai bila la tak reti2 berenang kan?

4.Kurangkan bercakap merapu

Ni penting sebab saya ada seorang kawan ni yang memang agak alim.Dia seorang lelaki yang selalu suka memberi nasihat kepada saya walaupun kadang2 penat jugak mendengarnya(ahaha,jahat) tapi takpelah sebab jarang2 pon kami berbual.

Hari itu sewaktu berfb2 chat,dia adalah memotivasikan diri saya ni sebab dia tgk saya asyik down sejak bekerja.Dan nasihat dia memangla boleh guna pakai dan lebih berunsur ibadah..sebab sape2 yang kawan dgn dia kat fb,if tgk profile dia pon semua pasal islam sahaja.Kiranya dia ni memang dalam kategori ‘walk the talk’/cakap serupa bikin.

Jadi dia cakap pada saya,jika kita betul2 bersyukur dengan kehidupan ini seharusnya kita tak patut selalu sangat mengeluh atau down macam saya waktu itu.Sebab itu bermakna ada yang tidak lengkap dalam diri saya sendiri.

Jadi saya pun lebih mendekatkan diri pada-Nya dan salah satu cadangan dari kawan saya tentang sesuatu yang mudah tapi adalah ibadah juga ialah,kurangkan bercakap yang merapu,atau senang cerita,kurangkan bercakap.

Sebab para ulama selalu bercakap bila perlu sahaja.Saya akuilah saya memang banyak cakap.Tapi sekarang cubalah untuk kurangkan sikit2 sebab memang tak elok pon.hehe.

5.Kurang boros

Haa,saya akui saya seorang yang boros.Tiap2 bulan dapat gaji,beberapa ratus diperuntukkan untuk sopink.ahaha.Tak baguslah kan sebab kita kena menabung untuk masa depan.
Tapi kadang2 susah sebab dah nama pon seorang yang impulsif jadi bila ada kasut/beg/baju yang menarik perhatian je mesti kena beli.Mesti!

Jadi kena belajar bagaimana untuk tidak membeli benda2 yang tidak berapa penting tapi cantik.ahaha.

Sebenarnya banyak lagi nak blog tapi dah lupalah.Jadi inilah diantara harapan saya untuk 2011.:)Apa harapan anda pula?


Congrats Harimau Malaya(part 2) dalam bahasa melayu--isu cheat laser.

Friday, December 31, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Okay,sebenarnya nasib baiklah pemain2 negara kita menang pada final ke-2 AFF Suzuki 2010 di Stadium Gelora Bung Karno pada 29 hb Disember dengan aggregat 4-2.SEBAB,kalau mereka kalah,kita boleh salahkan kerajaan Indonesia yang tidak menjaga mereka dengan baik sehingga tidak boleh praktis sebelum perlawanan.

Mereka hanya dapat memanaskan badan di tepi kolam renang hotel penempatan mereka.Sedihkan?Mula2 nak pergi praktis di stadium yang lain(bukan Bung Karno) sebab ye lah banyak orang2 fanatik dah mula menunggu di stadium bung karno dari pagi lagi.Tetapi,on the way ke stadium yang lagi satu,bas mereka terpaksa berpatah balik sebab trafik apetah..eeeee geramnyer!

Jadi ternyata & terbukti pasukan kita memang jaguhan & layak menang --walaupun tidak dapat berlatih sepenuhnya seperti pasukan Indonesia,mereka berjaya menunjukkan prestasi yang cemerlang dipadang.

Apa yang saya tak paham,kenapa segelintir masyarakat di Indonesia,membaling batu ke arah bas yang sepatutnya dinaiki oleh pemain Malaysia disana,serta menghina dan mencaci negara kita di internet pada malam mereka kalah 3-0 kepada pasukan Harimau Malaya semata2 kerana beberapa penyokong pada malam itu memancarkan laser ke atas kepala botak Markus.

Dan paling kelakarnya,mereka menjadikan itu sebagai ALASAN mereka kalah.Walhal,kejadian itu berlaku sebelum gol2 dijaringkan malam itu.ish2.

Kenapa terlalu fanatikal dan tidak boleh berfikir secara WARAS?Wajarkah menghukum pemain2 kita atau menghina Malaysia oleh kerana perbuatan penyokong tersebut?Bukannya pemain kita yang menyuruh penyokong menggunakan laser itu.

Paling menyedihkan ialah sewaktu lagu Negaraku dimainkan sebelum perlawanan terakhir di Bung Karno & penduduk2 Indonesia mengejek2 pemain2 kita.Mana sportmanship yang diaggung2kan?

Sedih dan kecewa oleh kerana sewaktu Indonesia dilanda musibah,kita selalu menghulurkan bantuan tapi acapkali mereka memburukkan nama negara kita dan kita bersabar dengan cercaan mereka.

Tapi,apa yang dipaparkan oleh masyarakat Indonesia ke mata dunia yang menyaksikan gelagat mereka di internet pada malam kekalahan mereka di Bukit Jalil dan sewaktu pemain negara kita berada di sana,menunjukkan bahawa mereka senang melatah dan terlalu fanatikal dan cepat menghukum tanpa usul periksa.Sunggu menyedihkan.

Itu yang membuat saya bengang--membenci sesuatu yang diri sendiri kurang faham hanya kerana orang lain juga berbuat begitu.

Yang kelakar,setelah pasukan Malaysia menang di Bung Karno,masih ada juga yang ingin menghina di Twitter saya tapi setelah saya bertanya kepadanya,kenapa mahu menyalahkan pemain2 kami atau kami yang tidak kena mengena dengan kejadian laser tersebut?Haaaa.Terdiam mereka2 itu.Paling kelakar,selepas itu ada seorang lelaki indon di twitter cuba mengayat saya..dibilang saya ini 'cakep(cantik)'..ahahaha.Haih..manusia2.Macam2 ragam.

Apa2 pun,syukur alhamdulillah pemain kita semua selamat sampai ke tanah air & membawa pulang piala AFF Suzuki 2010!

Kepada kerajaan kita,cubalah berbuat sesuatu takkan sampai bila2 nak biar nama kita dibusukkan di sana?Fikir2kanlah.:)


Cancer romantic outlook 2011...bwahaha

Friday, December 31, 2010 Liyana Hanim 1 Comments

Yes,being the hardworking person that I am--blearghhh..It's a public holilday & I'm at the office..boohoo..When I woke up,my family are all still in bed & my mum woke me up by calling me on the hp eventhough her room is a few feet away from mine--nampak sangat mama & ayah still in bed..heh..

Balik nanti nak bake2 banyak2 sebab bengang--baking/cooking is considered as therapy for me so will do lots of baking & trying out different recipes today.haha.

Ooh,check out my romantic horoscopes from Yahoo's Shine web..click HERE for yours.

Cancer Outlook for 2011
6/22 – 7/22

Year 2011 Romantic

The South Node quickly finishes the run in Cancer by early January, calling up choices you've made in the past and asking you to learn from any mistakes that weakened your personal integrity. You're learning to trust your gut when it comes to love and relationships rather than seeing what you want to see. You're also getting in touch with just how sensitive you are and how important it is not take on other people's emotional baggage. (exactly!no baggage please!)

The planetary heavyweight, Saturn ruling karmic lessons continues his transit through the relationship sign of Libra (consequently at the very core of your horoscope.) Lessons that began in 2010 in the love department get put to the test and require you to go even deeper. You're getting the courage to cut the umbilical cords that have only served to choke your growth. (ouch to the person responsible!)Comfort and security are one thing, but if you're wasting your time, you're wasting your time, Cancer. (hahahah..BETUL!) You can no longer get away with rationalizing your feelings. The truth is in your belly.

Pluto, the lord of the underworld and deep, one-way transformation continues to reveal any repressed issues and power struggles in significant relationships. Consider that you're only in the early stages of a heavy long-term process of self-discovery and shedding skin. (Yikes!!)Letting go has never been more essential to your overall wellbeing. (Yeah2,I KNOW!)Relationships take on a heavier vibe and ask you to commit thereby eliminating any residual fluff. Those relationships that no longer serve you will fall away, ready or not. And there is no going back under Pluto's inevitable one-way metamorphosis.


Congrats Harimau Malaya(part 1)

Thursday, December 30, 2010 Liyana Hanim 2 Comments

Despite the hostile treatment that our players received in Jakarta--I am still pissed that they had to practice at the hotel & not the stadium & had to be lead into the stadium with 'kereta kebal'--you guys deserve every bit of your victory!!:))

SUPER SUPER CONGRATULATIONS!!Read the news HERE--for those who missed the game--BOOO YOU!ahaha

I'm at work&just now after the tweets by KJ,The Star & our PM himself last night,it was announced officially at the office that tomorrow is a public holiday!!!!

I have sooo many things to write about to culminate our victory after our boys won the AFF Suzuki 2010 cup,after 14 YEARS of not being able to bring the cup home!!Yeahhhhhhh

People might be surprised that I actually watched football for both final AFF Suzuki matches since the only ones I've watched was when I was the girlfriend of a goalkeeper & I had to follow him to his matches or risk his dissapointment--I remembered when I had to go to Napisah's engagement & he would rather I watched him play instead(couldn't go to his match since I arrived from Ipoh around 5 something in the evening & his started around 4.30 I think).

And I remembered getting so riled up when a very big opponent stepped on his knee during one of the matches & left a deep gash on it & I panicked like mad,bought ice,plaster,dettol & blah2.So I guess I do have a bit of footie in me.ahahaha.

The most talked about man right now is of course Khairul Fahmi--penalti pon tak masuk wei!!!And lots of lasers was pointed at him during a part of the match but he stayed stroooonnggg!And whats up with the gulf of smoke at some point during the match??pfttttt!

And Luna Maya & Manohara went to the stadium?Who cares!But then again,where were our celebs during the 1st final match?haaaaa!:)

Say what you want but I still believed that the MVP award & the US $ 10,000 should have been given to him!Not to whatsis name--ahaha.
Will blog more later tonight!!!


American Express--a bit about my job

Thursday, December 30, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

I rarely blog about my works specs & what's my work is all about since it'll take a loong post but I PROMISE that I will blog more about it sooon!

A fellow blogger,Hanie Hidayah,blogged about one of the products from the department that I'm working which was bought by Maybank this year--American Express,which is the Amex Gold Credit Card,a product that was officially launched this year.

Me & my colleagues use the card as well & I have been using it for the past 6 months & it's very beneficial.Have redeem TGIF & Gap vouchers from the points I accumulated.:)

The interest is only 9% per year compared to Visa/Mastercard which is 17.5% per year!

Plus you get 5 times points on petrol,groceries & book purchases.(Amex points are Membership rewards while Visa/Master are Treatpoints so the items differ for redemption)

For Platinum cc,you get 2 times points anywhere & lots of promotions are available like discounts here and there for our platinum cardholders.

The most EXCLUSIVE ones are of course the Green,Gold & Platinum Charge Cards--no spending limit but you have to pay full amount for each monthly bill.

Currently,we have the Balance Transfer promotion which is 0% interest for 12 months,no fees whatsoever.

For more info & for the balance transfer form,you can log on to our website--American Express Malaysia!:) Or go to Maybank2u!

Also for our cardholders,you can simply register at the website as well to check all of your transactions..it's that simple.:)

*P/S:oh yeah,cos of working here for the past 6 months(almost 7 now),I know HECK load about finance now!:))


Bloody sinus

Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Today after months of sitting at the same seat and desk,I had to move because around 17 newbies are at the office & today's the day they start working.I'm okay with 'em and they're all pretty cool but it means less space for me & my friends until I begin my shift next week--woohoo..I can wake up late!!:))

So currently I'm sitting beneath a different table,near the aircond vents which DOES NOT HELP MY BLOODY SINUS--which I'm still coming to terms with.It's bloody hard having this bloody condition.ahahaha.

Yeah,I'm pissed because I hate my runny nose and having to use lots of tissues and feeling uncomfortable.Bring back my dry normal nose with no redness or itchyness.Blearghhhhhhhh!This is not a good look on me!!!T_T..Looking like shit is never an option that I'd ever choose but unfortunately with this disease that I have,it makes me look like one a couple of times in a month.

Hates this.Hates the fact that I don't carry my medicine & need to see the doc today to get more..Arghhhh!


4 movies in 1 day

Monday, December 27, 2010 Liyana Hanim 1 Comments

After a hectic week and a full day out on Saturday,Sunday was my stay in bed day and I did just that and watch almost all of the dvd's that I haven't watched yet.Below are my reviews of the movies that I watched..More reviews to come!

Easy A
This movie is awesome and it made me fell in love with Emma Stone allover again.She’s so great in this movie.And not forgetting Penn Badgley which provided the much needed eyecandy—awesome bod!:P..Great cast,great story,great lines!

The story is basically about Olive,a teen who doesn’t get notice much at school until one day her bestfriend told a few ppl that she lost her virginity to a college guy which didn’t happen.She told her bestfriend that because she didn’t believe her that she in fact didn’t slept with anyone.And then the rumours just got so big and added more lies on to it.

The title refers to the famous book,The Scarlett Letter,that I studied back in uni days,written by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Watch the movie cos it’s really smart and funny.Olive’s parents are rea
lly cool!I love it when Olive strutted down the school hallway with her new image..sooo cool and very sexy though I’d never do that..ahaha.

Ramona and Beezus
This is a great family movie based on the children book series which is actually titled Beezus and Ramona.Ramona is the 2nd daughter out of 3 siblings and she has an older sister named Beatrice,nicknamed Beezus,who’s very pretty and smart,compared to her who is a troublemaker at school!The movie is funny,endearing and makes you feel all gooey.ahaha.

I love the lil baby in the family,Roberta..soooo cute and cherubic!The story is is about how Ramona’s overactive imagination and wild antics gets her into trouble.The cast is stellar from Jennifer Goodwin,Josh Duhamel,Selena Gomez,Sandra Oh and many2 more.It made me wish that I have a little sister of my own..sometimes it sucks being the only girl in the family..:(

Everybody’s Fine
The title of the movie is ironic because of course,it’s different than the reality of the story.Although I love the starting of the movie as everything was pristine and neat,like really really neat!It goes to show what kind of perfectionist the father is.And the story revolves around how every year,his 4 children comes back for a family dinner of bbq-ed steak but when all of them couldn’t make it,he decided to visit them on a surprise.

As an audience,we get to guess what exactly are each of the children hiding from their father.And if you’re smart,you can practically tell from the get go.The hiding/lying part is because they don’t want to upset him and he always put very high expectations on all of them and ever since their mother died,things were never the same.

But the ending is good and it touched my heart very much when the art gallery lady showed the art piece done by David.

The Switch
Let’s be honest,as much as I love Jennifer Aniston,a lot of the movies that she starred in has flopped.But I have to say that this one is a diamond in a rough.

The story is about a lady named Kassie who decided to inseminate herself because she’s afraid that the clock is ticking and since she’s single,it’ll be a long time before she’ll meet the one and get married.Of course her long time best friend is against it since he feels that it is unnatural.

And during the I’m Getting Pregnant party celebration,cos’ he was a bit high from a herb substance that a friend wrongly gave to him & was very drunk,he did something really really bad but of course,didn’t remember a thing.Fast forward to 7 years later,Kassie is back in town and ask Wally to help her out once in awhile to take care of Sebastian,her son.

I love love it because it is so sweet seeing how Kassie interact with her son Sebastian and also Wally.The part where Kassie tuck him into bed or when Wally took care of him when he got lice..awwwww..:)


Last saturday(all pics are in the previous post)

Monday, December 27, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Can you believe that in 4 more days and then it'll be 2011?A whole brand new year?I'm not going to make any new year resolutions since you ended up not sticking to it half of the time anyway.

I just hope that 2011 will bring me more great days,weeks,months,opportunities,more luck,more fortune,a relationship that does not make me want to leave(snap!ahaha),a better figure(bwahaha..need.to.exercise!),and hopefully,complete atleast 70% of my masters research.

On Christmas day, went out with Izza & her lil sis Izrin & then had a late lunch/tea with Tatie joining us.I thought I won't spend any money yesterday but boy was I wrong..spend well,a lot..yikes!

Meet up with Izza & Izrin at BB Plaza after I bought a few masks at The Face Shop--they had a great deal so I bought 6 masks at just rm40 something..Had a Java Chip at Starbucks for breakfast as I waited for the girls.

We then walked to Fahrenheit cos I wanted to see what the big deal about Uniqlo was all about.Clearly nothing great there!The design was soo basic & nothing spectacular...

Found a pretty dress at Chapter 8 there(the pic is in the post below,the floor length cream & black dress) but sigh,it was sort of expensive and plus I don't have any pending special events for me to wear that pretty pretty dress!!I sooo badly want it and it looked soo great on me(bwahaha) but yeah...maybe some other time.

Walked to Pavilion and there were not that many people yet outside but when we went inside,man,there was a lot of people.I remembered going to Pavi a few months ago and it was almost dead..I guess everybody was out cos it's a public holiday.Met Kak Nelly while we were camwhoring outside.ahaha.

Shop and shop.Splurge at La Senza--I believe that good lingerie is key for any girl!:P
And then splurge like mad at Diva....awesome awesome stuff at rock bottom prices.Had a late lunch/tea at La Bodega while we waited for Tatie to come.Then afterwards we went home with Tatie dropping me off at BB Plaza where I parked my car & the parking cost me rm14--the most expensive parking I've to pay yet!

The traffic was bad in KL for the 1st 20mins but then as I took the NPE highway,it was smooth sailing--so didn't mind the 3 tols otw as it beats being stuck in traffic!


A day out

Sunday, December 26, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Finally,finally after the last time I visited Izza in KL was months ago,I headed down to meet up & catch up & walk walk & shop shop & ended with a meal & a hefty parking fee to pay.But it was worth it since I haven't been to KL in awhile(although I went last Thursday to bring my mama to Tabung Haji but that was a real quick trip) and plus,Izza's bday was weeks ago so I didn't get to go there to meet her then.I'm sooo sleepy & tired so I'll just share with you guys some of the pictures & will blog 2mrw!


A girl can't possible have too many clothes or shoes..:P

Friday, December 24, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Before I start,have you guys went to Empire Subang to try the slide??I went there a few weeks ago for my ex-students 16th birthday & it looks like soo much fun..Wanted to try it but that time I had terrible cramps due to the time of the month..:(*I'm craving ole2 bali's pisang bakar..soo yummy!*

Sigh..I just can't say no to pretty clothes or shoes..It's just so hard because they're there, practically calling out to you to get them.But,I wear these to work..okay maybe not them heels.So they're worthwhile purchases.hehe.My recent purchases includes:

1) a well made tuxedo blazer in black--finally i found one that looks good on me.Love the collar & the puffy sleeves.

2)a pair of louboutin nitoinimoi-ish platform heels in grey..they're sexy & tough...loves em!

3)a pair of oldblossombox novelty maxi skirt in black with a pink bow--

4)a lovely print dress from oldblossombox--the print is just so pretty!Had to
buy it & it's so comfy too that I wore it straight home,xnak bukak2..hehe

5)a white oldblossombox peterpan shirt with lace & pearl collar--I love love the pearls inside the collar in mesh netting..:)

I have too many hairproducts now that I have recently colored my hair..Am waiting it to grow looong and won't color it again..hehe


I feel like flying!

Thursday, December 23, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Feel much lighter and better..Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder..Can't wait for 2011!

Have sooo many other things to blog about but unfortunately been sleeping late for these past few days..Not good!

Pesanan mama: Budak2,sebab tu la perangai macam tuh..budak2 buat tak tahu je la..:)

Yes,I tell my mum almost everything..huhu..

Takpelah,mungkin hari ini hari engkau..esok2 kita tak tahu kan?


The Perishers- Nothing Like You and I

Monday, December 20, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Will always love this song and this band..:)



Sunday, December 19, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

People who are close to me,are the privileged ones who have seen me cry.I don't cry so easily in front of others/strangers/people I barely know.I have cried in front of my parents,my brothers,the guy that I love and my bestfriends.

But most importantly,I cry a lot when I'm by myself.I guess certain things just get to you and maybe because in actual fact,although I act all tough(ceh wah) on the outside,I am a very 'soft'(lembut) person.

Watched the 2nd episode of Grey's Anatomy season 7 today(the downloading is heck slow no thanks to both my dad & brother downloading stuffs on their own pc/laptop) and again I cried,a lot.

Grey's Anatomy is just getting better and better and the writing and the characters and the story in each episode just manage to grip your heart and play with your emotions.A very good show and season indeed.

I'll share with you the line that made me cry and it made me wish that maybe,just maybe it'll happen to me someday.Basically the line was uttered by Owen after he went to find Christina a few hours after she gave him back her wedding ring and wanted to end things.

Christina was actually going to come back and Meredith was there consoling her at Mer's house.And Owen came in,drenched by the rain outside and said this beautiful line that made me cry just like that...

"Christina you don’t feel nothing, alright.You didn’t feel nothing today.You felt scared,you were terrified and you felt anger.You were angry at me.And after what you’ve been through,you’re allowed ,alright.That’s what you should be feeling.

And I know because when I was there I felt all those things and I took it all out on you.And you were patient ,you were kind and you stayed through it because you love me.You loved me.

So uh, you can be scared with me or you can be pissed with me or at me I don’t care because I’m going to stay through it all.I’m not going anywhere Christina.I’m not going anywhere without you."

So sweet right?*sigh*

At the end of the day,what you want is someone who would want you back.


Baking queen

Saturday, December 18, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

I didn't use to love baking so much.And I think a few yearrrsss ago,my attempt at it suck& I stick to cooking.But I'm not someone who give up so easily,atleast when baking is concern..case in point,the last time I tried to bake croissant and failed which was LAST YEAR and I didn't try it again until a few weeks ago & it was a success!

I love the fact that you can create something delicious or spectacular which just a few ingredients like flour,eggs,butter,sugar & a few bits and bobs.It's almost magical..okay find,not that magical but really you can get to bake so many things from a variation of a recipe or by changing the weight of certain ingredients.

Oh,the key difference between cooking & baking is that in baking, from my experience is that you have to be precise in measuring the ingredients!This is something that I had to get used to because when I learned to cook from my grandma,she just throw things into the pot and it'll taste great--or the Malay saying.."agak-agak".

But in baking,no no no.You can't "agak-agak"(guessing the correct weight of ingredients to put) as it will ruin the recipe & there's also a technique to fold the ingredients correctly or you'll end up with a sunken cake or a really flat cookie.

For the past few weeks I have bake chocolate chip cookies & snickerdoodle because my friends ordered them.Also chocolate cupcake with lavender buttercream frosting,banana cake & croissants for the family.My family are my guinea pigs and my experiment lab as they have to taste every single one of my creations.hehe.

I can't wait to try and bake more things like macaron,pavlova,toffee bars,more pies(I can bake 2 kinds--apple & chocolate cream meringue pie),more cookies,more breads(I can only bake croissant,foccacia & baguette..want to try making buns and scones!) and maybe a cake or two(I can only bake butter/yellow cake,red velvet cake which I bake for mother's day last year,chocolate cake & banana cake).

Below are a few pictures of things that I have baked in the past & a cute cute video title BREAD!:)



List mahu saya...hehe

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Liyana Hanim 2 Comments

Oleh kerana sekarang duit tinggal berapa henget je dalam purse saya,kenalah menahan diri dari membeli apa2 sehingga la gaji masuk minggu hadapan..Ini dipanggil sindrom pertengahan bulan dimana kita selalu akan kekeringan duit..hahaha..Jadi,mari lihat barang2 yang saya inginkan jika duit cukup dalam bulan yang mendatang..:)

*GAP forever skinny jeans*--Sebab ada voucher gap jadi kenalah guna kan?

Vanity table bru dr Ikea!Sbb vanity table dalam bilik saya ni ialah kepunyaan mama & ayah & hadiah perkahwinan diaorg zaman tok kadok dlu..haha

TV SHARP Acquos baru!!Sebab apa nk tv bru dan kenapa jenama Sharp?Sebab....ayah bagi kat saya tv jenama Sharp yang dia punya jugak masa saya berumur 16 tahun..dan sampai SEKARANG,iaitu saya sudah pun berumur 23 tahun,tv itu masih hidup.Kualiti gila teknologi Jepang ni.Walaupun sekarang ia sedang nazak & asyik on & off secara tiba2.Geram saya dibuatnya!Jadi kenalah ganti dgn saudaranya yang lagi kurus & canggih ni..Dah la kaler merah!wooohoo

Coat/hat rack Ikea.Sebab dalam bilik saya ni beg2 bersepah2.Rimas la!
Wardrobe Ikea!Sebab baju2 dalam bilik ni dah tak muat dalam almari & kene letak dalam DUA suitcase besar..tu belum masok baju2 saya yang ada di rumah nenek di pula..mana muat nak letak semua sekali jika tak ada almari yang besau kan?
Eh,yang bawah ni tak boleh beli ke??Alaaaaaaa...
Duda terhangat di pasaran sekarang=People's Sexiest Man Alive 2010(lelaki paling seksi yang hidup tahun 2010..ahahahaha)--RYAN REYNOLDS!



Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

"People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up.

People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain.”-Jim Morrison


I will make your heart racing in my skintight jeans..:)

Monday, December 13, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Been guzzling and eating lots of Vitamin C rich drink and food since yesterday...Today I drank 2 type of orange juice,ribena and also the new blackcurrant juice from Tropicana..yumm!And I love love fresh juicy cherries--duh,I love any ice cream with fresh cherries in them,like Cherries Jubilee or Winter White Chocolate--not candied cherries though!

But they're very hard to come by, so after work today when I went grocery shopping(one of my fave thing to do actually..hehe) imagine my delight and surprise when I see rows of cherries!!Just had to buy them although they're pretty expensive at rm11 for a container/pint.

Catching up on episodes of GLEE after Gossip Girl has ended(the 1st half of season 4..the 2nd half will cont next April I think..damn!)& loving the Warblers version of Teenage Dream..too cute!!!:)

And of course LOVE LOVE Gwyneth's rendition of Forget You!

Can't wait for the weekend & of course,next week is my shopping spreeeeee week!!woohoooo



Sunday, December 12, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

I'm sick with flu + fever..no thanks to a friend/workmate of mine whom I got this bug from..haish.Hope I won't be too sick for work tomorrow.Spend the day at home,mama cooked today--2 huge ikan kerapu sweet & sour(yummah!) & lots of other lauk pauk--was shocked when she said she wanted to cook-bwahaha.I ate rice 2 times today..sick or not sick,I can definitely eat!:P

Stayed in bed & took my meds & watched Fullhouse dvd,my fave Korean tv series!It made me cry..soo romantic..awwww...Sharing with you guys,the last scene,one of my fave scene in the series other than the part where he gave her lots of roses..


Weddings Galore

Sunday, December 12, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

There has been a lot of weddings happening lately.3 of my friends got married during these past 2 months.I only manage to go to one.The other 2,one of them clashed with a family day out & the other one was akad nikah & the persandingan/kenduri will be in January so I hope I'll be able to make it!

In January,another friend of mine will be getting married as well & I can't wait to go because I know the whole process on how she met her husband & was there for the ride..it was sometime in march I think..quick right?But that's what people call fate or in Malay,'jodoh'.:)

Sometimes I get a bit panicky when I see lots of my friends are getting married already but then I realize that hey,I'm only 23 years old.You tend to forget how young you are when you have so many things to do and responsibilities and expectations to live up to.I am not worried because I know god has someone for me out there and maybe one day if our path cross,he'll be the best thing that has ever happened to me and vice versa.Insyallah.:)

Talking about weddings,last night I went to the wedding of my mum's former boss/friend--Puan Salmiah & Uncle Bokhari's son--Aizat with his bride,Mardiana.It brought a lot of good/awesome childhood memories because I had an amazing childhood filled with toys,vacations and huge birthday parties.

And everytime we vacay,be it Cameron or Langkawi(both are my holiday playground & I know them inside & out),we would stay at Pn.Salmiah's resort for free(Semarak Resort which she has sold now) or their huggeee bungalow in Tanah Rata,Cameron(that's still there but nobody lives in it & there's a caretaker) where we would go with all of our relatives & their family or back when we live in Seremban,we would bring all of our close neighbors-- so there'll be 5-6 families in the huge house & it was so much funnnn!

In Langkawi, me & my brothers would order lots of room service when our parents went out(the resort staff are like our friends) & hang by the beach(Cenang Beach is the best!).

Okay back to Aizat's & Mardiana's wedding--they had an mc who spoke about how they met during the ceremony & the story was just sooo beautiful not to share!Okay,both of them are former lectures at UiTM Shah Alam & their faculty was next to each other.Aizat is now the dean at a college in Perlis or was it Kedah?

Anyhoo,Aizat was performing his Haj with his family and Pn.Salmiah asked him to pray for 'jodoh',a good one(duh) at Kaabah.And lo and behold like it was fated,they met there because Mardiana was accompanying her Opah(grandma) to perform Haj.They stayed at the same hotel and although the hotel(I don't remember it's name) is now defunct,their love still blossomed..:)

The funny part of the story was that the mc asked them how did they fall in love to which the groom said that when he met his bride in Makkah, she was 'gemok,hitam & pendek'(not anymore laa) while he was 'kurus & takde style'.But true love brought them together.:)

And the wedding favors was of course,chocolates from Langkawi--huge toblerones for the kids(my brothers got em') & bars of Belgian white chocolate for the ladies & dark chocolate for the men.

Wedding fun fact about my parents/family:

*1* My parents wedding had huge fireworks--the kind you see in the sky during special holidays!How cool is that??

*2*ALL of my mum's siblings wedding ceremony was held at night..none got married during day time.It's a family tradition because I guess it's cooler & mama said my persandingan will be at night as well..hehe.

*3*My parents wedding theme was blue and white on my mum's side and bronze/choc on my dad's side(I think).Mine will be lavender!!ahahaha*Berangan*

One of my favorite2 wedding blog is LAYER CAKE--so many great2 wedding ideas..some simple but always nice & some elaborate & still nice too..:)



Wednesday, December 08, 2010 Liyana Hanim 2 Comments

The Social Network

This movie is of course(unless you've been living under a rock & don't know this),based on Mark Zuckerberg & Eduardo Saverin,the founders of Facebook.Watched the movie today and since I’m sleepy and will be waking up for work in a couple of hours,I just have this to say—IT IS BRILLIANT.The next brilliant movie coming from US this year since The Inception!And I now have a huuugeeee crush on Andrew Garfield---soooo cute!

And although a lot of myth was portrayed in the movie(fact:Mark has a girlfriend named Priscilla during Harvard & before he created Facebook & they’re still together),it is very enjoyable watching the brilliant minds on film.Awesome!

Going the Distance

This is truly one of the stupidest movie ever made.I’m sorry,the existence of itself was unnecessary. The only saving grace was probably the hottie that is Justin Long ,but even then,the fact that he had to bare his butt a lot of the time in the movie,it was sort of gross!

The movie is basically about a couple who had to endure a long distance relationship.But it could have been a truly great movie about how love can stand the test of time,blah blah but when it is handle in a crass manner with unnecessary jokes like the hand print on the butt cos’ of spray tan or getting caught having sex by your sister & her husband & the dry hump thing..truly made this movie veering on the gross side of things & it’s hard to take it seriously.

And really,what was the point even for a scene whereby the character of Justin Long’s female colleague,who is suppose to be the poster child for being in a long distance relationship longer than he has,suddenly slept with his roommate due to a drunken night?That was just to me, unnecessary.

This movie was a waste of time to me,sorry!

You Again

I like this movie.It wasn’t a good movie persay but it was waaayy better than Going the Distance.I feel so sorry for Marni’s character,having to go through that experience of being bullied just because she wasn’t as pretty as her peers like Joanna,growing up & then having it all & then suddenly finds out that her own brother is marrying the girl that made her life a living hell in high school!

It was funny when her own mother also met someone from her high school past although this one was more of a frenemy,in the form of Joanna’s aunt which is a woman who seems to have it all but of course,there’s a catch since you can’t have it all.

Eat,Pray and Love

For a person who has a huge collection of books on people travelling experiences (mostly in Italy—I have Frances Mayes & Annie Hawes ENTIRE collection),I love Elizabeth Gilbert’s book which is what the movie is based upon.Of course it has many flaws but I thought it did give the book quite the justice it deserve.

Do not watch the movie on an empty stomach because the Italy part is really appetizing :).I wanted to make pasta soon after!I’m glad the India part was okay as well as I had problems reading it in the book as to me that part was really depressing.The Bali part was great but I had problems when Felipe referred to durian as tasting like stinky feet or was it dirty socks—IT DOES NOT!Durian is delicious & you shouldn’t be put off by the pungent smell.


Awal Muharram--a step in the right direction..:)

Tuesday, December 07, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

In the Islamic calendar,today is a new year.So in the spirit of things,I have listed a few things that I need/want/should do for myself and most importantly,for a brighter future..:)

1)Eat healthily/exercise

Meaning that I have to cut back on caffeine/junk--all those Starbucks frap has made me gain weight(I think lah).Am drinking more sugarless teas, sweetened with dried stevia leaves(look it up!).I am also adding more vegetables into the diet and of course,fruits as well.

Believe it or not,I USED to be a workout freak--pilates,yoga,weight lifting,5 to 4 days of working out in a week.Now that I am working,I get less time to do so.BUT that is not an excuse right so I am going to have to find my yoga mat & start doing pilates again so shape up this body!ahaha

2)Looking at a career path

The work that I'm doing right now is temporary because I vow to myself that after my convocation,I will get a new job,something that is in line with what I studied back in uni.I have send my resumes to a few companies,one that I'm terribly dying to work with.I believe in what my father said to me a few years ago,'it's either you study hard,or work hard'--or if you can,do both.

Ever since I started working,I realize what a hardworker I can be/am--not to brag or anything but my Key Performance Index at work has been 5/5 consistently for more than 4 months straight now..:)..Yeay me!:P

3)Start financial planning

I want to atleast have a few thousands in the bank before I reach 30 atleast.I want to create a bright future for my future children.In years to come,things will become more expensive & having money/financial security is important.

Plus,I plan to buy my own car(although I am paying monthly for the car I'm driving now,my parents were the one who paid the deposit years back!) or buy my own house before I settle down and give a lucky man the opportunity to make an honest woman out of me.

In life,we need to upgrade ourselves to the better and EVOLVE.Not staying still in one place and doing nothing to make your life better.Material things isn't everything but it does help sometimes in making life easier for us hardworkers.:P

4)Complete my Masters

I have 1 & 1/2 years left to complete my Masters.Pretty scary thought that is!Need to think about my research truly and create a very very good proposal.Ayeyayay.Oh yeah,did I forgot to mention that on top of EVERYTHING,I am also doing my masters?Education is VERY VERY important and sorry,but I don't have much respect for people who does not feel that it is.

I'm not saying that you have to go all ivy league or whatnot but you have to atleast be aware of current events,read a few books in your entire lifetime instead of just living life aimlessly,having fun,lepak2 and not doing anything with the brain that God has given you.Such a waste of
potential right?I believe that everybody can be great if they have the passion and drive for it!

5)Lastly and one of the most important--be a better Muslim.

I am pretty much a good person(most of the time) as I don't embarrass my parents--I always want to make them proud of me.I treat my friends with love and respect.But I have to confess that sometimes I falter and miss a few prayers in a week.So that is NOT a good thing.Just like what Vivy Yusof blog on Proudduck,I vow to not miss my prayers and also,to 'ganti' all of my puasa this year(in case I forget!).

Also,although I khatam the Al-Quran at standard 4,I haven't read it much in these past few years.I did read it during fasting month but I think I should make it a weekly thing as it's good for my soul & I don't want to forget how to read it--scary thought!


Convocation:The Liyana's Guideline

Tuesday, December 07, 2010 Liyana Hanim 3 Comments

On the risk of being totally 'poyo'(uncool),the title is a joke as I just had my convocation for my degree last Tuesday.So I thought I'd share the experience during my convocation and the preparation that one has to do before one's convocation.I divided it into Pre,While & Post,akin to the teaching methodology that I learned in uni..hehe.


The robe,mortar board & the sash thingy that I wore during convocation cost me rm140 to rent.My convocation fell on 30th December while the taking of the robe itself was on the 22nd of December along with the rehearsal.Now,for one who's busy with work,you can ask your friend or a representative to take the robe on your behalf.The payment for the robe has to be done before the 22nd of December.

Oh,and this guide is for UiTM students.If you have any pending library charge or any summons that you haven't paid yet,you have to do it BEFORE picking up your convocation robe or else you can't do so cos' you have to print the robe form thingy(I advise you to constantly check on UiTM's convocation website for more info!) & give it during the day itself.

Also,as it's one in a lifetime moment that you'll never get back,why not fork out a few ringgit for the right outfit/shoes and blah2.Be prepared to spend a few hundreds but you don't have to if you don't want to,it's just an experience of me & my friends.I spend rm630 for my convocation--all my OWN money okay!RM140 for robe,RM391 for my baju kurung & rm99 for my shoes!

However,my dad paid for the family portrait & my own portrait which was taken right after convocation & on UiTM's ground itself--you can get discount if you know where to look & how to haggle.

There will be a rehearsal for the day itself a few hours after you have taken your robe--the time to take our robes for me & my friends started at 2pm & the rehearsal started at 4pm.Do go to rehearsal as although it does have some so-so moments,it is very helpful to ease your nervousness for the day itself.Plus,if you're bored,you can take pictures with your friends,like I did!:)

Also,if you're not busy with work or have free time,take lots of pics with your robe before the convocation day itself as on the day,you'll be too busy to take pictures with your friends as it will be jam packed with people!

And because the rehearsal & the robe taking took time around 1 hour or so,go & lepak2 with your friends after cos' you deserve it!:)


On the day itself,make sure you get ready and look your best and bring essentials like your makeup kit for touchups cos' you'll gonna need it as you'll be sweating bullets while waiting in line before getting into the big hall.Also if possible,bring a pair of ballet flats/sandals like I did because your feet will hurt if you have to stand for a long time while queuing up to enter the hall.

Bring some snacks or a magazine or two because the ceremony takes a looooong time.Me & my friends were in the hall from 1pm-5pm something.So you have lots of time to kill yo!

After I finish walking on stage in my 6-inch heels,I texted my mum cos' they said they'll come after they pick up my brother from school(he has SPM).So imagine my surprise when my mum replied that she did saw me on stage & she said to look up!

My parents were there at the VIP section!!weeeeee..My mama waved at me & I waved back & it was truly a great moment having my parents sharing my academic achievement/one of life's milestone..:)--Funny thing,my mama said that right when I stepped on stage,my dad instantly notice my shoes!ahahaha


If you didn't get to snap much pictures with your friends during Post-convocation,chances are,it might make it harder to do after the convocation ceremony as you'll be busy taking pictures with your family members right after it,like I did.

But I did get to take a few pics with my friends after it though I didn't wear my robe since I left it in the car & it was raining so didn't feel like bringing it with me..ahaha..Had dinner with some of my friends at Fullhouse straight after though I did miss a couple of people that I haven't seen in ages like Hani,Yaya,Izlin & Hafriz!:(

All in all,I'm glad that I had quite an eventful convocation & my dearest family & friends were there to share it with me.Thanks to everybody who wish me a happy graduation!!

Hopefully when I get my Masters degree(in 2 years time,insyallah),I'll have someone other than them to share it with..*amin*