I want to shop so badly!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009 Liyana Hanim 4 Comments

Last night did some shopping with Izza the wizard(saje je kasi nick bru..haha) because this week will be thewpeer busy for us all..so why not reward ourselves beforehand with some much needed retail therapy right?Though sad for Izza because the shoes that she wanted was out of stock in that particular color..Hopefully they'll stock it next week aite??

I bought a beautiful long dress from Forever 21 which wasn't on sale..(unlike the skinnys that Izza bought..damn!hahaha)!But I had to have it & tis' worth every penny(gosh did I just use Shakespearean Lang??Mentang2lah tgh wat esei Shakespeare..LOL).Definitely the most I've spend on a dress using my own money thus far..huhu.

Hopefully by next week(or sometime this week ke??hehehe),I'll be able to buy 2 more dresses there that I still can't stop thinking about..droolsss..Tried this gorgeous stiletto red heels..it was muy kinky but sexy at the same time & it fits...but..it put way too much pressure on the ankles..ouchh..Had to pass it..I need new shoes!!!!!!!Please2 cepat la masok duet proofread tuh..huhu.

And today I've 2 group discussions for the 2 microteaching that's happening this week..arggghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Boley jadi gila okay...:P.Boy my seniors weren't kidding when they say that part 6--'Rase mcm nak mati'..LOL

Thank god I bought lots of Skin Vitals mask to relax me on those extra stressful days..love them a lot!!

***I just bought my In-Style April 09' issue!!Go and buy it (with Salma Hayek on the cover)because....our own Malaysian designer,Bernard Chandran,one of his designs was worn by Estelle during the Grammy's..(page 94).In this issue,Fergie's humongous wardrobe was also featured & it was to die for...*droolllsss*.Plus,every year,in the month of April,In-Style feature it's BEST BEAUTY BUY list..yesh!!!!***


i wanna go n shoppp toooo!


Liyana Hanim said...

jom teddy..bile duet proofread dh masok.hahaha

Hakim Nasir said...

nnt ngeshop ajak i:)!!
wah cane leh sampai sini ni. from link to link terjumpa ur blog,,hee

Liyana Hanim said...

amboi2..ade blog rupenyer die..haha
jom la..lame gils xjumpe kamu!