Baked chicken mushroom pie!Other foods I made/baked :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

If you can tell,I've been updating my blog these past few days because I feel so bad for abandoning it a lot this month!So sorry to my loyal readers as you might think I'm so slow in blogging.hahah No excuse for that!I have many posts in draft bad!

As you know,I love baking and cooking.Last week I tried a recipe I've never tried before--chicken mushroom pie.Actually I didn't follow any recipe,I just used what I've watched on cooking shows on tv and read on food blogs and came up with a way to make one of my favorite pies!

I've tried so many different versions of this pie!From Baker's Cottage to Jaya Grocer,Urbanfresh,Presto supermarket,Teapot Deli,Secret Recipe,Ben's(so yummm!) and many more.I guess I love chicken mushroom pie because it taste comforting.

So I bought some puff pastry,button mushroom,fresh milk,chicken breasts and decided to make my own.
It's really easy.You buy the aluminum pie mould for mini pies at any baking store.

Cut your puff pastry by putting the pie mould onto the pastry and circling it and then use a knife to cut it,transfer to the mould.Remember to cut 2 rings of puff pastry as you need on for the bottom and top of the pie.

But I suggest making the filling first before you cut the puff pastry as it thaws really fast.You want to work with puff pastry when it's cold.

For the filling you just cut the chicken breast into little cubes and also the button mushrooms.Stir fry them with a little bit of oil,chopped onions and fresh herbs/salt/pepper.Set them aside.

In another pan or the same pan,melt some butter,add some flour until you have a paste.This is called roux..the same method if you're making white sauce which I've done many times.Add milk until you get the right not so thick consistency.Add more milk if it's too thick.

Add a chicken stock cube/chicken broth(but this would mean you have to use less milk).Add your cooked chicken and mushroom.Let it simmer.Add salt/sugar to taste.

Then you can see in the picture below how I put the filling into the pie.I like to add a lot because usually when you buy these pies outside,they scrimp on the filling.
Close the pie filling with a later of puff pastry,crimp the edges using a fork.Poke the middle of the pie three times using a fork.Brush some egg wash on top of the pastry.Baked in the oven at 200 celcius until it is golden brown.Delicious!My family,my boyfriend and my friend Aimi all loved it!Yes,I made a lot of pies haha.

Will definitely make a lot more of these for my loved ones.A picture of the flaky pie below,I turned up the top to show the creamy filling inside.

Also made tomyam a few weeks back.I love a hot bowl of it with rice and a crispy omelette.My tip is to stir fry the veges like onions and cauliflower separately and then add it to the tomyam at the end to prevent it from becoming limp.Also I fry the tomyam paste with the chicken and prawns so the flavor will seep in more.Pictures below:

I've forgotten how to make doughnuts and was craving for simple glazed doughnuts so I decide to make them.I used a recipe from this bread cookbook we have in the kitchen and I forgot the name of it because I'm here blogging in my room.haha.But basically I think you can find any doughnut recipe online.

Kneading the dough is hard and requires elbow grease!The glazed is simple.You melt some butter,add icing sugar.Then add some milk/evaporate milk and heat it up until it thickens.Then dip your doughnut into the glaze.I made different shapes of doughnut.Even heart shaped ones to give to Razin..awww :p

Baked pandan cupcakes as well.Which I gave to Aimi as she turned 25 last week.Will blog about our tea at Fatspoon soon.My family and especially my boyfriend loves this pandan cupcakes.I've never seen Wondermilk/Whisk selling pandan cupcakes.They should!haha
Razin's little sister Qeema made yummy pavlova and she also served it with homemade jam!Got a bunch of strawberries because Raushan's(their brother) girlfriend went to Cameron Highlands and brought a lot of them back.I ate a lot of fresh strawberries last 2 weeks.Love them!
Now did I make you guys hungry or inspired you to cook/bake more?I hope both!hahah