Book reviews:The fault in our stars and Veronica Mars:The thousand dollar tan line.

Thursday, April 17, 2014 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Ever since I left my university days behind and entered the working life,I haven't been able to finish reading a book in a matter of 2-3 days.It would take me months sometimes and at times I even forget to continue reading a book!

It's a horrible habit that I've accustomed to.But sometimes a book just begs for you to finish reading it and you can't help but continue to flip the pages frantically.

This is what happened to me when I read both books below.I love both books and they're vastly different from each other.

One is about a beautiful love story and the other is of course,about my favorite female detective!So let's begin my sumation on both books.

1)The fault in our stars by John Green

This book was written by John Green who's the other half of the brothers who created Vidcon.I was like..that's cool!

The book is about Hazel Grace,who has thyroid cancer that spread to her lungs.This of course made it difficult for her to breathe normally and she has to use an oxygen tank in order to do so.She has to carry it everywhere.

One day she met Augustus Waters during a support group meeting and soon after they fell in love.Augustus is cancer free after he amputated his leg but he still joins the support group because his best friend Isaac has a tumor in one eye and now he has to remove another which of course made him become blind.

I won't reveal much about this book because I really feel that people should really read it.The conversations between Hazel and Augustus are intelligent and beautiful.I love their love as well and I've to admit that I cried while reading this book.It's definitely NOT your typical teenage love story.

I read this book in 2 days which is a record for me since I haven't done so in a long time!A movie version of the movie will come out in June and I'm sure I'll cry my eyes out at the cinema.T_T..You can watch the trailer for it below:

2)Veronica Mars:The Thousand Dollar Tan Line

Being a huge Veronica Mars fan..(if you didn't know already haha),of course I had to get my hands on the book that just came out.The book is a continuation from the movie version of the series.It's something that Rob Thomas did because of the overwhelming support that they got from Kickstarter.

I love the book!There was some adrenaline pumping moments and I love how the case had a little bit of twist to it.I was a bit bummed that there wasn't much Logan and Veronica moments because he is in the navy so they could only communicate via Skype.

The book is basically about girls who went missing during spring break in Neptune.Veronica was hired by the owner of the Neptune Grand hotel because due to the missing girl(which became girls..ooops a little bit of spoiler!),less people are coming to Nepture for spring break.

While I was reading the book,I can actually play out the scenes in my head.I can even hear Kirsten Bell's voice as Veronica.I love the book and it was a fast read.Though Rob Thomas did say that he won't be making a movie version of this book.I wish they'd make Veronica Mars 2 movie.Wishful thinking!

I flipped the pages of this book pretty fast because I was dying to know what's next.Veronica as usual got herself in some very seriously dangerous position!Glad there was her dad and her best friend Wallace to help her out because Logan isn't around.

Marshmallows(what Veronica Mars fans are called) will love this book for sure!