
Tuesday, April 07, 2009 Liyana Hanim 2 Comments

I can't believe that I forgot about the Jabbawockeez until one of my super senior told me about them yesterday.I remembered being in awe watching them perform during last year's MTV Asia awards..& when at first,they were interviewed on the red carpet,I was like,who the heck is these dapper lookin dudes??Turns out they were amazing performers/dancers!!Btw,the name Jabbawockeez is taken from the word,Jabberwocky that was in Lewis Carroll poem,"Through the looking glass".

So tonight instead of studying,doing my assignments & completing my translations..I watched lots of their videos on You Tube.Below are some of my favorites,dating back when they were in America's Best Dance Crew!(they won the 1st season in 2008 & became famous after that but,they were created back in 2003!)

America's Best Dance Crew-week 3

ABDC-week 4

ABDC-week 5

ABDC-week 6


Pepsi Smash


Donut said...

First time aku tgk dorng perform i was like, WHOA!

Liyana Hanim said...

yupp..they're amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
thewpper talented & thewperrr awesome& thewpperrr cute!!hahaha