Should I buy this??Plz help!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 Liyana Hanim 9 Comments

People,I need your help.I need your opinion!Should I buy them??If not,I'll buy this other pair of shoe that I saw at the mall..hehe.


Ummu Nuha said...

Shouldn't sayang. simpan duit. nanti nak pi bercuti ronggeng rogayah lagi. okeh? *love*

Yaya N said...

well design die unique.kalo aq bnayak duit aq akan beli a.

tapi kalo2 ko nak save duit..tapi nk jugak..ko mesti consider

1. adakah perlu utk ko beli?
2. adakah kasut nie berpatutan dgn harga die?
3.kalo dah bile kasut nie,ko x menyesal kalo jumpe kasut yg lagi lawa?

kalo ko answer yes utk semua.
beli la..

sekian ^^

Syud Ridzuan said...

x look comfy to me. have u tried it? materials die macam mane?

Anonymous said...

if I were you I will not buy it. You are so not going to wear it.Huahahaha. Pakai kejap je then simpan dlm stor aka kete ko. Better choose other design beb.

Liyana Hanim said...

napz..mslhnyer,aq xsimpan2 duet lg pon..hik222

yaya..sume soklan yg bernas..haha

syud..tu la it doesn't look tat comfy

hani,sume kasut aq dh pakai,ade 1 je xpakai2..kire xdela teruk sgtkn??tau xpe aq byk heels tp gi klas asyik pakai ballet flats..letih la nk jln cpat2 if pakai heels..hahaha

haha. i think you should buy. mahal sgt ke? btw thanks betulkan. just edit my post if ade yg slah grammar. anyway, i hope i'll get flying colour for my exam. sabtu ni pergi rumah chu tak?chu buat open house.

Syud Ridzuan said...

nxt sem u nk g sk0la. jgn pakai tinggi2. dapat sekola mcm aku, bole putus nyawa pakai >3 inches. hihi.

Liyana Hanim said...

eiqa..dh xde duet dh nih..haha..xmhl..rm85 jer..hehe
pegi umah chu..sbb die soh makngah rebus ketupat utk die..haha
kak yana ade 3 open house sabtu nih tp nmpknye kene gi umah chu jer la sbb kene gi dgn family..jumpe d'sana!!!

Liyana Hanim said...

syud,tu la...harap2 la skolah yg aq dpt xkesah sgt kadang2 pakai flats..hehe