
Tuesday, September 08, 2009 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Being bombarded with assignments that has to be completed before Raya is putting a bit of a damper on my mood but fret not,there is some major shopping to do for Raya in a few more days.I'm proud to say that this will be 2 year in a row that I am buying my own baju raya using the money that I got from the cookies that I bake.Oh,I feel like such a grown up...hahaha.

Only like 6 orders of cookies to go that will be bake by me during the weekend.Yes,I only bake during the weekend back when I'm at my parents house.Weekdays are for boring/fun/sleepy-ish classes..ahakzzz.

Currently I can't stop listening to the song Good Girls Go Bad...The lyrics are effing funny but true though since I've met a fair share of bad boys but they haven't succeeded in changing me to become as bad as they are.To give them credit,they were good TO me, just the fact that the choices that they make in life is not something that I agree or want to be a part of.Kinda like why Lauren had to leave Jason because of his extreme alcohol abuse.Other than that,they make great date partners.

I love,love,love Leighton's voice in it & she looked super hot in the video..what an inspiration!!haha.Listened to the song like 4 time straight in the car(burned into a cd) just to listen to her part in the song.:)It's so heroin chic voice(the drug).BUT,being a big fan of hers,I've downloaded her other songs like Body Control,Birthday,Again2 & Inside the black & I have to honestly say,it doesn't sound too good...I think she better stick to acting...ooops.I still love you though!