Oh Queen Bee...*spoiler for GG 306 & 307

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 Liyana Hanim 2 Comments

This post will be short too since I have to study for another quiz tomorrow & a presentation early in the morning..Man I can't wait for Friday!

The title of this post of course refers to Blair Waldorf in Gossip Girl.To the avid gossip girl fans out there,have you guys watched episode 306:All About Eve???You should watch it but for CHAIR(Chuck + Blair) fans,you will be very dissapointed...Like me!sigh...WHY???

I know,nothing is perfect in this world,not ME,not YOU,not THEM.BUT,sometimes watching a couple that is perfect is like an escapism...thus,when Blair was stooopid enough to do what she did to Chuck which really angered me because really,her whole I want to take over NYU stint is reallly getting on my nerves!!!

Why can't you just be happy with the ever accomodating Chuck Bass???WHY ROCK THE BOAT????arggghhh...Now in 307:How to succeed in Bassness,Chuck is all Blair is soo not invited to the opening night of my hot new club...This is depressing me!!


Mawar said...

omg that episode was soooo menyakitkan hati, every scene buat sakit hati!!!

Liyana Hanim said...

sgtkan mawar????omg!!!
pening i tgk..
blair used chuck + manipulate vanessa
vanessa used both dan + olivia
nate used serena
carter pulak blah frm serena
and olivia does not look good in the herve leger dress!she looks like she's going to burst out of it!lols