A bunch of things

Sunday, January 24, 2010 Liyana Hanim 4 Comments

People have been yapping on and on about Cotton On ever since it arrive on our shore & I sort of knew about the brand because 2 of my friends who came back last year from being exchange students there bought a few things from it..

Thus, a few days ago I bought 3 ballet flats(2 Bronte Flats in red & black & one that resembles Chanel's in black/white) from Cotton On because they're cheap & so comfortable.Plus,I prefer wearing them to school since the classes that I teach is on the 4th floor & walking fast in flats feels much better on my feet than my high heels.Wedges are comfy too but I haven't found ones that caught my eye yet.

Anyhoo,while I was perusing my faculty's library on a SATURDAY afternoon(giler xde life kan aq skang?),searching for materials that I can use to teach my students with,I stumbled upon this charming little book.... I borrowed the book(along with several others that I can actually use for teaching) & finished reading it in a couple of hours.

Basically the book is about 4 friends(2 girls + 1 twin girls) who have their own catering business at the age of 11!hahaha.They cook for their neighbours who are too busy to have the time to do so.I thought that it's a cute and different concept for a teen book series.

Oh,I LOVE the smell of Kim Kardashian's perfume.It smells like tuberose in a bottle when I first sniff it on the February issue of Instyle Magazine--yes,the Feb issue is out people--go & buy it!As I search online for what's actually in the perfume---I was right!!It does contain tuberose!!I instantly know this because my mom loves tuberose and planted it in our garden(it grew!!although I'm sort of feel creep out over it especially at night because of the Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam movie).

Malaysians know tuberose as bunga harum sundal malam(means fragrant night whore--haha).But the perfume will only be available in February in the States.Wonder when it'll arrive to our country..hurm..

Another perfume that I've tested & love is Lola by Marc Jacobs.The smell is fresh and lovely.Look at the bloomin' bottle(BELOW)??I love perfume with a beautiful bottle.My current perfume is With Love and the bottle is so pretty!My previous perfume,Vera Wang Princess had a lovely bottle & crown but it was STOLEN along with my bag & ALL of it's contents,during the month of Ramadhan.T_T...
My love for perfume stemmed from both of my parents who took perfume very seriously and they've accumulate a LOT since they were young.My mom doesn't trust perfume shops as they could be selling fakes & buy em' at department stores like Parkson or Metrojaya.

Oh,BTW,people shouldn't be able to smell the perfume of a person when they're like a few feet away from you.That's NOT the way to wear a perfume.But people still DRENCHED themselves in perfume that you can smell them a MILE away.*sigh*

I remembered when my mom gave me my 1st bottle of perfume when I was 12 years old--Versace Red Jeans & the bottle came in a pretty tin casing. After that,I never stopped wearing perfume.Some of the faves that I've worn were:

Burberry Brit--love the smell!
YSL Cinema--the bottle is pretty & I love the smell & so does my mom.
Moschino Cheap & Chic--The heart shaped top is so pretty!
Chic by Carolina Herrera--Yaya said she loved the smell of this.
Esprit--in a pale purple bottle that had hints of blackberry & I don't remember--but they don't make the perfume anymore!!!
Davidoff Cool Water & Summer something--I wore this brand for a long time,I think 3 bottles of it in the span of 1 & 1/2 years.
Ralph by Ralph Lauren--wore this when I was 15 years old.

I watched this

movie last night & I've got to say that I love it because it's true to life.There are people who get by,by living off others like Nikki and Heather.Of course,this movie is not for one who is not comfortable watching sex scenes because there's a lot of it.Ashton's character was charming & all but his style was just blerghh..Like suspenders??Really???tsk22.
I love it when Nikki met Heather and she treated him the way he treated all the girls/women in his life.The table was turned & it was fun watching him being put through all those emotions.The character Samantha is very empowering to me because she has a lot going on for her and she doesn't depend on the guy.Very sexy!

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT THAT SEPHORA IS NOW OPEN IN SINGAPORE???BLASPHEMY!!!!COME DOWN HERE TO MALAYSIA PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!ARGGGHHH I'M SO EFFING JEALOUS...Because I've been yapping on an on about Sephora to my friend even before it was mentioned in the Shopaholic takes Manhattan book...Everytime Christmas comes,Instyle will show all the great Sephora deals & I'll be drooling all over the mag.WHY OH WHY doesn't Sephora open a store HERE????T_T...

Okay enough with the ranting,I HAVE TO complete my ROS Report which has to be sent by tomorrow..yikes!!!Byesss!!


Syud Ridzuan said...

tp kan li, cotton on is cheaper kat oz. nak balik sana. wuuuu T__T

Liyana Hanim said...

tu la syud..that's what izza said..tp still quite cheap la compared to f21..but of course bju2 f21 lg lawa2..hehe
but aq mcm..wow rm69 for 2 flats??trus grab!haha

ills said...

hey :) i linked u on my blog. hope u dont mind :)

Liyana Hanim said...

ills--i don't mind at all!thanks..:)