2010,Whoa! Willow!! is about to come 2u! & my blogshop.

Friday, January 01, 2010 Liyana Hanim 2 Comments

2010 will hopefully be a very productive year for me since I'll be graduating and have to find work...*argghhh*.There's so many things that I want to do for the upcoming year but I can't put all of em' here since I've no idea if it'll materialize or not..hahaha.

Although,right after the semester ends, I do hope to be able to go on a holiday trip with my friends--ALL of em' together before being thrown into the working environment, since everybody doesn't live near each other.

People,Whoa!! Willow!! the musical will be staged soon!!Only 1 week to go!!Thus invite your family and friends to buy the tickets HERE to benefit a tremendously good cause--TASPUTRA PERKIM.We will be featured on MHI TV3 soon & also NTV7 The Breakfast Show.You may have read about us on NST or heard us being mentioned on XFresh Fm.Other websites has been kind to mention us too from Kakiseni,KLUE,Around KL Town and Malaysian Today.

I have to say because of Whoa! Willow!! I have become more and more accustomed driving around KL.Thanks to Azri who always have to show me the directions while I'm driving during our weekly trip to KL to settle management stuff for the show.I've been driving to places like Tasputra Perkim,Dang Wangi Police Station(don't worry,it's for the shows permit),DBKL office and many other places back & forth.Oh,the Nestle office in Mutiara Damansara is very impressive!Very high tech and aesthetically beautiful.

Since it's a new year & all,I have started a little something on the side which is my own vintage dress blogshop!It makes sense since I always find beautiful vintage dresses and I thought why not buy them for others to buy?:)...Check it out HERE..it's still a very tiny baby thus I'll be bringing out more dress in weeks to come!Oh,why did I named it Vintage Realm?Well because I use to loved watching Sabrina The Teenage Witch series when I was a kid & teen & she's always going to the other realm..hehe..:)..Ok,I've got to go!Enjoy the first day of a brand new year people!:)

Practicum will start on Monday--yikes!Although I am thrilled that I got one of my old school,I'm still pretty nrevous about it.Not to mention that I haven't bought anything yet.Have to wait for my Yayasan S'gor money to come in first..haha.


Hanna said...

all the best love!

cantiknya all the dresses! sadly, i rase my height xkan fit well... huhu :(