Movies:Leap Year & The Back-Up Plan

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 Liyana Hanim 4 Comments

Watched two romantic comedy movies with Izza and I have to say that people should stop dissing these kind of movies.Yeah,at times the male lead can be unrealistic but you know what,they give us something to hope for.The movies give single females out there(not that I'm one anymore,after being one for a very very long time) that hey,one day a guy will find you and you will find your happily ever after.

Watching romantic comedies is a fun experience because you get to scream,laugh,cry and sometimes even cringe at those embarrassing moments.It's even better when you are watching them with your girlfriends.


I first saw the trailer for this movie months ago and actually put a video of the movie in one of posts here.I have to say that the movie was great and it surpasses my expectations because initially I thought that it was going to be boring.It definitely wasn't!The scenery of Ireland in this movie was amazing.Utterly breathtaking and beautiful.

Come to think of it,there has been a lot of romantic comedy movies that was shot in Ireland--P.s I love you and Maid of honor comes to mind.

The movie revolves around Anna,a very OCD kind of person(like who gets fitted for a dress to wear to a simple dinner with your boyfriend??) who wanted to propose to her boyfriend of 4 years(I think) on the 29th February because supposedly it's a family tradition and an Irish one.So she went to Dublin to meet Jeremy but along the way she met Declan instead and a whole new chapter opened up for her.

I find the chemistry between Anna and Declan was so real and sweet.My fave part was when they cooked dinner together--I want to do that too..:P..I also loved the what will you take in case of a fire part--because Anna managed to see Jeremy for what kind of a person he truly was.All in all,this movie was great and a must watch for the romantic souls out there.The proposal scene in the movie was just sooooo beautiful!!


I love Jennifer Lopez so I couldn't wait to watch this movie because she haven't done a romantic comedy ever since Monster In Law.This movie is about Zoe who got inseminated because she wanted to have a baby but haven't met the right guy.Irony happens when right after she came out from the clinic,she met Stan who turns out to be the man that she has been looking for.Thus the movie revolves around Zoe & Stan coming to terms with her pregnancy and how they overcome the problems that comes with it.

There are many cringe worthy and ewww and lol moments in this movie.Izza's favorite part was the poo2 part in the playground.We still laugh just thinking about that scene..ahahaha.Although this movie is not as good as Leap Year,it was still enjoyable and it showed how difficult giving birth and being pregnant can be which does not help Izza who's already afraid over the idea of having to give birth.ahaha.

Stan is just such a sweet and amazing guy because he actually stuck around Zoe through such a peculiar situation because they were just dating(2 dates in fact) when he found out that she's pregnant.That's a big responsibility and it was cute to see him help her and go through the whole process together.


Yaya N said... besh jek due2 nie..
jap ko tgk kt cinema ke dvd?


Liyana Hanim said...

besh!tp leap year is the best laa
cinema??mmg lammbaaattt laaaa
both dvd!

Yaya N said...

waahh..beli mane li? mahu dptkn jua~

Adilah. said...
