What have I been up to

Friday, February 17, 2012 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Hello!What have you guys been up to?Since I don't have much time to blog nowadays,I will try instead to compensate with pictures and some words!haha Btw this blogpost has been so long overdue and only now I managed to upload it..haha

Can't believe that I have been with Razin for more than a year now!It's amazing really..I never ever thought in a million years that I'll find a guy that I want to see,talk to every single day without being sick of them,but now I have.

I love him more and more everyday.He truly makes me feel loved and happy and to top it all of he is a very good son/brother to his family.I love you Razin!

Finally after a few months that Garretts have hit our shores,I managed to taste the popcorn that Oprah loves so much.The verdict?Sadly my family didn't like it as much they like Planet Popcorn.

It's just too sweet.If Oprah actually promotes this in the US,no wonder they have high cases of obesity and diabetes there!

I loveee the interior and concept of Candylicious!Finally a true blue candy store..I felt like a little kid when I stepped into it.Such a happy place!I didn't buy anything but I did see this pink plastic mug with candies allover it that I want!Next time I guess..:)

The boyfriend eldest sister gave birth to her first child,a cute baby girl named Qarla Adelia.She's just so precious!She was born on 3rd Feb,at 3.23pm.

Have you guys watched the tv show Once upon a time?I love it!The storyline is brilliant and different and I love how they incorporate fairytale characters into the show.Can't wait to watch the 13th episode!My fave characters are Emma and Rumpletilskin(don't know if I'm spelling it correctly).

Emma is actually the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming.The story is long to explain here so I suggest you guys go and watch the show!

Spend time at Pavillion with Aimi & we also went to Fahrenheit,Sungei Wang and also Low Yatt.I haven't been to Low Yatt in like 5 years & I was surprised to see that it looked much better now.

Last Tuesday was Valentine's day and the boyfriend came over to the house at 7.30 am and then called me up at 8am to wake me up by bringing me all the things above.

He knew I'll be working at 10am so he didn't want to wake me up.Super sweet and I didn't expect it at all because I thought we weren't celebrating it.He made the sandwiches and apparently he bought 3 diff kinds of bread before deciding on the right one.

It was so funny because I spend the day before Valentine's(monday),cooking mee rebus at his home for his family.He hid the flowers he bought on Sunday in his lil sis room.haha.I love the card that he made.It was sooo cute because it has many pages of this lil boy and girl.