Beauty product review:Maybelline brow mascara

Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Liyana Hanim 2 Comments

I first saw this product in one of the magazines that I subscribed via the ipad.When I went to Luxola,I saw that it was available and of course I had to buy it.This brow mascara is not available here yet though.I've been using this for about 2 months now and I love it.

Since I have naturally thin/sparse eyebrows,this is perfect to fatten it up!It is very easy to use and it stays all day long until you take it of with your makeup remover.
Without eyebrow mascara

The only downside was that it is a bit 'wet' so you have to make sure that you don't accidentally smudge it when it's not dry yet.But it dries very quickly.I'm saying that it's 'wet' because in comparison with my Bourjois eyebrow mascara.
With eyebrow mascara

The brush looks very unique to me and apparently it was created in such a way so that it can reach all of the hairs on your brow.The brush is called the Sculpting Ball Brush.How aptly named right?

If you from the pictures above,you can see how the mascara managed to thicken my eyebrows and it looked natural.I love it!

The item is sold out on Luxola so I can't remember how much I paid for it..but I can tell you it wasn't expensive.Perhaps it'll be available here in Malaysia soon.


now we cant even get it from Luxola coz they already stopped carrying Maybelline products. Kena tunggu kawan/family pegi UK jelah kalau nak kirim kan..or kirim from there.

Liyana Hanim said...

Mieza:I totally forgot to reply your comment.aiyoo haha Yes true!!Terpaksa susahkan org overseas.:p