Hello dusty blog

Friday, April 07, 2023 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

I haven't been blogging for 6 years! That's just crazy.😱😱😱 I stopped blogging after I was pregnant and then I had Cahaya. Being a wife and a mum, I barely have time for myself as it is. 

A lot of things happened to me throughout the past 6 years.
I got pregnant back in late Dec 2017..and I now have an almost 5 years old beautiful girl named Cahaya Luna Rose. 

The entry below is a continuation of my draft back in....2019!

Been on maternity leave since September (my company's maternity leave is 90 days--excluding PH&weekends..so yayyy!) and it just flew by. 

Funny because I thought that I'd be bored during maternity leave and will use that time to read/watch lotsa tv shows/movies...ahhh how wrong was I! I barely have any time to myself because Cahaya Luna Rose(that's the name of my baby and yes, it's a girl!) is attached to my boobs and can't be left alone (or she'll cry--but she's better now and can play by herself for a little while).

The first month was tough..I definitely cried a few times. The lack of sleep, and how worried I was if my baby was getting enough milk, the body ache etc. But now it's muchhhh better. Like they said, the first 3 months is the hardest as your baby is still a newborn.

My pregnancy journey was actually pretty great. Aside from that one time I got UTI (because you pee a lot during pregnancy and sometimes I'm too busy that I forgot to pee..or delay it haha) and it gave me contractions! And eventhough I'm much bigger now in size compare to like..6 years ago, I didn't get any pregnancy diabetes.

Though a person commented that I will probably get it during the third trimester (cos she's skinny but she got diabetes during pregnancy)..but I didn't. Took the sugar water test thingyy..twice! But both times, my sugar level was fine..though I did ate a lot of desserts during my second-third trimester..haha

Oh, also, at the start of my pregnancy I did lost a bit of weight due to nausea and I just didn't feel like eating at night because of it.

Moving alonggggg..
Beauty-wise, this year I bought a lot of makeup/skincare that I'd love to share but didn't have the time to do so. Maybe I'll do a 2018 list for makeup and skincare/haircare?


The world has changed a lot in the past 6 years. Covid was crazy. I should do a blogpost just about that! I've so many blogposts in draft. So now I thought..why not just published them? One day when Cahaya is older she can read all of this hilarious blogposts of mine. 

Also, it's currently Ramadhan so wishing a blessed Ramadhan to all of my fellow Muslims. ❤️