Rowan Atkinson!!

Friday, May 09, 2008 Liyana Hanim 1 Comments

I love watching him on YouTube..especially his stand up comedy ones which Izza & me watched the night before our Japanese test...muahahaha.Tatie joined us after she got back from her family dinner...

I even watched Mr.Bean when I was a kid and my brothers love him too...But in Mr.Bean,it made him looked like an idiot although, it's not easy to be one considering the fact that he is an Oxford grad after all...Here are some of my favorite videos of his stand up....


Elementary dating

Tom,Dick and Harry

Tights and plenty of props...

School master


taj said...

dear liyana... yea saye ade blog... its more like my whining corner.. if u really like me whining.. u should read... ahahaha.. just to fill my free time (and useless)... :D