More food pics + a few cool pics I love..:)

Thursday, August 04, 2011 Liyana Hanim 4 Comments

*Very true Julia Child!:))*

So what have you guys been eating for sahur and berbuka puasa?I thought I'd share some of the pics that I've taken in the past 3 days.Will share more as I love taking pics of them..:P

Sahur meals

Berbuka/breaking the fast dishes
*All of the dishes above was cooked by my beloved mama*
P/S:The pizza on the left is for my youngest brother,a 16 year old boy who's very 'mat salleh' because his diet consists of nuggets,KFC,MCD,pizzahut,croissants & basically non-Malay foods!-_-
*Bought all these at the ramadhan bazaar*

The mango tree in our garden gave us lots of green mangoes(which can be left to ripen) which I turned into these pickles.I learned to make them as a kid from one of my aunts.Just peel & slice the green mangoes,soak them for a few mins in a mixture of salt & water.

Drain thoroughly.Mix them with lots of sugar and a bit of salt for taste.Keep for approx a day in the fridge for the sugar & mango to mix together.It tasted better with time.And no,I don't add vinegar because I don't like the smell they turned the pickles into.

Also I'm sharing with you guys a few pictures that I found on this awesome site that I love..:)/.
Such a pretty cabinet!
To die for dress.Love the gradient of color.
Cookie monster!!
How cool are the way the frames are arranged?
A pretty miniature garden display.
Rainbow coated oreos!


what is the name for the porridge look like yg ko makan time sahur tu babe..?

Liyana Hanim said...

tats soup babe.campbells wild mushroom tp aku add fresh shitake mushroom sbb dlm dia xbyk sgt.

Ellen Whyte said...

I like the muffin!

Liyana Hanim said...

me too!!i love the cookie monster..:)