Birthdays galore:My husband,my mama and my ibu.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Liyana Hanim 1 Comments

It's already April and to be honest..I didn't feel like blogging much though there's actually a lot of content that I can blog about.If you follow me on instagram,twitter or snapchat..username: liyanahanim, you'd knew that my life is going great.

Last month was a bit tough on me of course but I'm moving on and I know that Allah has a better plan for my husband and I.

I thought that for my first blogpost for April,I'd blog about birthdays!From Dec until this has been filled with birthdays!I thought that I'd share three of them.

My husband's birthday fell on the 23rd of February and during that time I was already on medical leave and had to get a lot rest(bedrest).So,going out wasn't even an option to find presents even cake or food for my husband's birthday.But thankfully,everything can be purchased online nowadays.

I've also ordered his birthday gift a month before from US.It was a backpack from Incase,the no.1 backpack in the world..something that he has talked to me about buying for a long time but never did.

I managed to order his yummy butterscotch walnut birthday cake from this homebaker and I've eaten the cake before and it was sooo good.I also ordered macarons from petiteblanc and pizzas from WOP.All of them were delivered to the house a few mins before his birthday dinner at the house with our family members.

I also managed to whip up some spaghetti,salad,garlic bread and such.So although I didn't manage to go out of the house,I did manage to give my husband a birthday dinner.I'm proud of myself for being able to do that hahaha

My mama's birthday falls on 8th of April while my ibu(Razin's mum) falls on 11th of April.
This year my mama is 53 years old while ibu is 60 years old.

For mama,I baked her favourite cake..a victoria sponge.But since strawberries were hard to find..husband suggested that we buy mangoes and decorate them on top like a flower..which he saw on the internet.He actually cut the mangoes and arrange them on the cake.So cuteee!

I also bought some of mama's favourite flowers and made a bouquet out of it.Glad that she loves them both!

She didn't want me to take pictures of her that night on her birthday when I came to visit so here are pictures of the cake & bouquet of flowers instead.

For ibu's 60th birthday,Nana(my sister in law) wanted to do a surprise birthday party and the theme was black&gold.I baked some desserts for the party--brownies(with an edible gold dust on top),mini mango cheesetarts and chocolate cupcakes.

Ibu was so surprised and she didn't expect it all.It was a great night and there's a lot of funny stories because of the things that my husband's siblings had to do in order to hide the surprise party from her.Even I had to fib a little bit!haha

There's a lot of other things that I want to blog about so this month hopefully you'll get more blog entries from me!