
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

I totally forgot that I'm suppose to write an article for Izham,forWUPID's mag!!!arggghhh..Habisla kene marah nanti..I'll try my best to write something tonight & tomorrow..huhu.What should I write about anyway???I'm thinking about frugality,since in this day and age,money matters a lot!Or should I write about Iraq or Afghanistan???Any ideas people???Wait a minute,I think I know what I want to write!!!hehe.

Maybe I should write about 3 different articles so they can decide which one to choose...Each article will be different than the other...One will be about social interactions.Two will be about politics(maybe la..wonder if i'll be censored??).Three will be about saving the environment???hurm...Let's get cracking!!!Eh,when will I study for my sociolingo paper???hahaha

Congrats to my brother who will be shipped off to Johor in Dec for his studies!!!Good riddance!!hahaha.Kidding!Besh la die cos' his favorite cousin,Fir is also there..They'll have a hell of a good time there..kui2.

After finals I'm definitely flying off to somewhere & have a great vacay!!!woottttttt.But that'll be after adjudicating & a few odd jobs...fuuuh...