Hey hey today

Sunday, January 09, 2011 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

It's Sunday & I'm in the office & I can see outside that the weather is a bit gloomy...It's super cold in here like really really cold.I'm wearing socks and a blazer on top of my dress&skinny jeans but it's still cold!

Ate apricot yogurt,lychee pudding,a bottle of ribena blackcurrant&strawberry,a few cadbury french vanilla choc,1 cherry candy cane, and a handful of roasted almonds & also 1 pack of the vico drink(I'll take vico over milo anyday man!hehe) for breakfast & lunch but I'm stillll hungrehhhh.

It's because it's cold here that you tend to want to eat more.Thank god the cafe doesn't open on Sunday or else I might have ate a lot more.ahaha.

Want to go home,eat deep fried alaskan pollock with tartar sauce---soooo good!!!Or my homemade aglio olio with sundried tomatoes or tuna sandwich(yeah,new diet change,more fish,less chicken & meat).

Tonight,a friend and former senior of mine,Kak Ana or more known as Ana Raffali will be in the finals of AJL--good luck to her & all the best!

Will blog about what I did yesterday once I get home as all the pics are in my laptop.:)
And hey,nowadays,I'm becoming happier..who would have thought,that,that's possible?

So people,choose be to be happy & be positive,soon enough,it'll find you..Remember that positive attracts positive!