Fooooddd that we should have in Malaysia

Saturday, March 12, 2011 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

I love food..I love to eat it,take pictures of it,I love to cook,bake,read about it and talk about it...hehe.So I thought in order to have less post about the boyf so as not to annoy the not so many readers I have out there..ahahaha...

Let's make it interesting and post about foods that I hope will one day be available in Malaysia..I came to know about these foods from other food blogs and websites on the net.

I first read about this burger from a copy of Instyle about an article on Oscar week,years ago.The article stated that celebs like to go there & grab a bite after the event.At that time I was like..okay,burger joint,didn't really care about it..hehe

BUT,then Robyn from the blog The Girl Who Ate Everything blogged about it and then it was featured many times on Seriouseats website that it got me pinning and craving for it sooo bad!

Shake Shack (which I sometimes confuse with In-N-Out burger as well cos' one is famous on the west coast while the other in the east coast)burger is famous in NY.The line for people lining up to buy the burger are very very long,apparently and I really want to try the shroom burger ever since I read Robyn's post about it HERE.
I guess the reason why I want both burger joint to come here is because I'm tired of McDonalds(oh for shame!) and I don't like Burger King and Carls Jr. either.We need a change people!!ahaha

I saw the clip of Just Salad on The Martha Stewart Show and I thought that the concept is just brilliant.A salad bar that offers lots of vegetables and other stuffs and you get to pick and choose the combination & create your own get to choose your vege,protein & dressing from a variety of choices.

It would be great if they can bring it here since we have limited options when it comes to salad on the menu of many restaurants since time and time again it'll be the caesar salad or the thai mango salad or the malay kerabu.Being able to create our own salad with lots of healthy options would definitely be awesome!

PH WebLaduree various macaron flavors Laduree's pretty website!

Countless debates has being going in the food blogsphere regarding which of these two contenders have the best macaron in France.Though how the heck would I know since I have never tasted any of them!ahaha

But I do know that a macaron,when you bite into it,it should have a 'crack' sound..meaning a harder outer shell but yields a soft inside.Unfortunately the ones I have tasted here is more on the soft side.

That's why I also read that you need to bake them until they're a bit hard because when you sandwich the filling between the macaron shells,they will soften.Rather than baking a not so hard shell,it will result in a very very soft macaron..which is not so good!

Oh btw,if you click the Laduree english version website,you'll see that they made a mistake by spelling macaron with a double O--macaroon!Wonder who translated that part of the web!ahaha

Dylan's candy bar was created by Dylan Lauren and yes,she is Ralph Lauren's daughter.I thought the concept was really cool since when I was a kid,when I watched Charlie & The Chocolate Factory(the Gene Wilder version!),I love love the idea of a candy store.

Plus,I've been dying to know what candy corn taste like!hehe

It's 3.50 am in the morning & although this blogpost was drafted dayyysss ago,I didn't have the time to continue so I probably will edit this in a day or so..toodles & enjoy your weekend everyone!