Black Swan review

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Liyana Hanim 1 Comments

This is the movie that Natalie Portman won an Oscar for,while being beautifully pregnant.To prepare herself for this movie,she had to undergo gruelling ballet training and a strict diet regimen to become the perfect ballerina needed for her character Nina.

I finally pluck up the courage to watch the movie eventhough the boyf gave me the movie weeks ago.

My verdict?It was very scary.Scary in the sense that the line of reality and fantasy is blurred from Nina's eyes.There's lots of blood as well.Lots!

But I have to say Natalie is very very pretty in the movie.I love the white dress that she wore when she was announce as the Swan Queen.BTW,fashion house Rodarte outfitted the ballerina's in the movie.

I won't recommend watching the movie for the faint hearted as it is classified as a 'gory ballet movie'(quoted from VOGUE magazine interview with Portman).Not for the prude either as it has a one woman sex scene where Nina tries to pleasure herself(ehem)and a scene between her & Lily.

Natalie Portman makes a very believable Nina,the one who's constantly trying to be perfect with lots of practice, vomiting and self inflicting pain on herself(that was painful to watch!).I'd give the movie 3 out of 5.


Ellen Whyte said...

Hmmm, I wasn't expecting that. Must have a look.