Leaving a mark

Monday, March 17, 2008 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

A super senior of mind,whom I interviewed back in my pre-TESL days whose name is Syed Husni gave me a piece of advice that I still remember until today.He told me that “make sure that you leave a mark before you graduate”.Don’t just go to class,study and go home.In 3 years of campus life, I have involve in so many things because I want to leave a mark.I don’t want to just be a graduate.I want to be somebody that made an impact,that made a difference in someone’s life,that lead a project to success and many more.

So far I have adjudicated 6 debate tournies,debated in and out a few years back,helped organize the 50 hours debate,the 100 jam debat at Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka,became a writer for TESL Republic 1st ever newsletter( which was not revived after Husni left), became project manager for the Drama Workshop under Ethos Society 2 sem’s ago,got involve in 2 theater productions,hold a high comm post in Ethos Society,a secretariat of MPP last sem, and this sem,holding a high comm post in PMFP.

It’s important to me,to go out there and be involve and make an impact.You can’t just laze around doing nothing(though I like doing so from time to time) each semester and be satisfied with just graduating.I am never satisfied and I need to keep moving.Life is too short to not experience what it has to offer you. Life is not about sitting still and waiting for things to happen to you instead of making them happen.

But I’m still not satisfied with I have achieve and done.There is so many things that I want to do and explore.I have this idea inside my head that I want to make into a reality next semester.And I’m sure it will be a success. Wait for my updates in a couple of weeks!