Splurge day..sort of!:P

Friday, October 22, 2010 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Today is a great day cos' I got paid!hehe..Bought a few stuffs here and there..:)

Went out with my mum & brothers after work today & now I am super sleepy!Got to go to work tomorrow--man am I hardworking--bwahaha.

On Monday,it's Mask day at work..ahaha.Still contemplating whether I should wear a mask or not..huhu.On Tuesday it's Sports Attire--like..urghhh..I sooo don't do that!ahaha

Splurge on toiletries cos'I love them!I have a huuuuggeeee bag of beauty products..Not that I use all of em' but I just love love buying new beauty products!

Today bought 2 new products from The Body Shop--The Rainforest Radiance shampoo for colored hair & the new Vitamin C Eye Reviver Duo..:))

And a bunch of stuffs from Watson(got points through my Watson card!) & Guardian(cos' some stuffs are only available there.Nampak sikit je tp total semua brg2 kecantikan-- rm300..aiyoooo!

Tomorrow have to clock in OT at work & have to bake lots of choc chip cookies cos' my workmates keep ordering them..:))

And ooh,I just can't resist the cuuutteee bag at Old Blossom Box Store & pick em' up 2day..hehe..I bought those 2 ori cd's of Aizat & Faizal Tahir today because I haven't done so in a looong time & I just felt like supporting the local music industry..:P

Oh,I keep going back and forth over something..Sometimes I feel I am being stupid,sometimes I just want to go for it...But most of the time,it's hard to deny how heartless somebody can be especially when people keeps pointing it out to you although you try so hard to find reasons to defend said person..Thus,at times I don't have the strength anymore & just want to let it be.So yeah,like the Beatles said..'Let it be..'.