Pilates--watch this space!

Monday, February 21, 2011 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Being in love,being happy,having a job that requires me to sit at the desk & stare at the monitor for hours..all of this made me have a very healthy appetite..not that I didn't have one to begin with but now it's even more so.hahah.

Soooo..made a pact with the significant other that if he can quit smoking,then I'll stick to my diet!Thus,let's begin again with pilates.A very great workout for the body though it's not for someone who's not flexible(I'd like to think I am..wait,I KNOW I am!haha) & faint hearted.

The workout centers around your core--your abs(in my case,mostly flab nowadays!damness!) & works the whole body.My body hurt after I did a session yesterday since I haven't done so in months!It hurts even when I sneeze or laugh!

But it's a very good thing since I NEED to get on with my fitness.Eating and eating and having a bad sleeping pattern is working its toll on my complexion.I rarely have pimples but now a few has popped up!ayeyayayay!!

Thus I'll share with you,a part of the workout video that I follow from months back & now back again video from Mari Windsor.