In pictures
Mmmm..Starbucks ice cream!!!yummmmmm..Now at Tesco!:))

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Liyana Hanim 2 Comments
Monday, March 28, 2011 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments
Sunday, March 27, 2011 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments
Sunday, March 27, 2011 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments
How do you know?
“When you’re in gotta give it everything you have.Or else,what are you doing?”-Lisa-
This is another chick flick and as much as I don’t like the term,it is what it is.And it is a bit different because of course,the heroine ended up with the guy who is right for her,I didn’t feel bad for the guy that wasn’t right for her because his mannerism is so cute.
Reese Witherspoon plays Lisa,a baseball player for Team USA who got kicked out because she turned 31.Her boyfriend is Matty a successful baseball player in his prime.And then there’s George who’s in trouble because of his own father.I love this movie.It is not great but it has its moments.
Matty is just so bumbling and cute.ahaha.Like having a drawer full of brand new toothbrushes and pink sweats in diff sizes in his closet for girls staying over???George is just honest and sweet and the fact that he got into such big trouble for something that he didn’t do and accepting sad!
Lisa is a bit confused looking.ahaha.And I guess it’s hard because she has nothing to fall back on other than sports and she was booted out.But I was more distracted by Reese’s chin because it looks surreal like an implant was put there to make it look more protruding?ahaha.
All in all it is a great movie to watch to fill up your free time.
Ahh who doesn’t love a Disney movie?I am so glad that this came out & it restored my love for Disney animated movie(Pixar usually dominates now).
It is just lovely and beautiful and funny and have great songs which I’m currently listening to over and over again.
Some of my favourite scenes is at the start of the movie when Rapunzel does her chores and when she finally goes out of the tower with Flynn & have an inner conflict—sort of bipolar-ish..ahaha.The usage of frying pan as a weapon—bwahahaha.
Mother Gothel makes me wonder what hazelnut soup tasted like!Rapunzel makes me want to have big green eyes!!
Zachary Levi & Mandy Moore was perfect for both characters & they sing well too..Mandy sounds amazing in the movie!I miss seeing her act on screen!I have EVERY SINGLE one of her movies on dvd..even the indie one Dedication!:)
I want to watch this movie over and over again!
Saturday, March 26, 2011 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Liyana Hanim 2 Comments
Maybe I do have the occasional expensive jeans but hey,they last a long time.Or I do splurge on one good handbag time to time because good leather last a longggg time and lingerie too like from La Senza cos' it's very comfy(c'mon what you wear inside is just as important on the outside!).
But I’m definitely not a snob & I have bought my clothes from various places from pasar pagi Sect 13(Shah Alam),to bundle shop,prelove sales,blogshops,and many many more.I shop anywhere and everywhere.:).You don’t have to spend a lot of money on clothes.
As long as you like it and it looks good on you,who cares where you buy it from? Make do with what you have!I don’t believe in spending a lot of money on looking good.
Thought I’d share some of my clothing items that cost me less than rm50!:)
I have worn this tuxedo blazer countless of times.I love the cutting,the shape & it’s so comfy & makes me look put together.It cost me....rm59!No joke!hehe..I bought it at Summit USJ..:)
This butterfly print dress is my fave & my dad picked it out when he saw it at a bundle stall at Pasar Pagi Section 13 Shah Alam.I have worn it so many times that I lost count.
The grey biker jacket below is a fave of mine.I love wearing it with feminine pieces like a dress be it long or short or a simple t-shirt.A friend even thought I bought it at Topshop but actually I bought it at Sungei Wang for a mere rm30!
And the pretty tie dye halter maxi was bought at Sungei Wang too for only rm85 if I remembered correctly..:)
This pretty maxi dress below with beautiful row of flowers motif on it cost me only rm30 & I actually bought it at the Empire Shopping Gallery!They were having this CNY sale in the middle of the mall & this lady was selling these pretty tops and dresses.
She gave me a great discount—2 tops & 1 dress for rm120 total cos’ it was her last day there!1 top was for Adela since it’ll be too greedy for me to choose all 3..:P..I got the maxi dress & the purple top below for rm30 each!:)
The halter that I wore a lot during Tioman was something that I made MYSELF!hehe.I created it out of my grandma’s old baju kurung top that she doesn’t wear anymore..hehe.
This billowy tunic dress with pretty butterfly print was bought at a bundle shop somewhere.I think it cost me rm5 & I’ve worn it so many times too.
Sunday, March 20, 2011 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments
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