More movie reviews:Happythankyoumoreplease & Green Lantern & 2 old movies

Sunday, June 26, 2011 Liyana Hanim 2 Comments

Previously in April I blogged about a few movie trailers that I watched & how I can't wait to watch all of the movies.So far I've watched 3 out of the 6.Have reviewed 2 of them.So here's another one from the previous POST,the movie Happythankyoumoreplease.

This movie is an indie movie so it only grosses around $215,576 because it didn't receive much publicity as the normal blockbuster movie would have had.Plus it was written and directed by an actor whom you might have known from the sitcom How I Met Your Mother,Josh Radnor or known as Ted in the series.

The movie revolves around Sam,a writer who one day while being late for an appointment regarding his novel,saw this kid in the subway whom was separated by his family.The kid's name is Rasyeen and soon Sam began to take care of him & developed a beautiful friendship.He also met a waitress named Mississippi whom he was instantly attracted to.

There's also his bestfriend,Annie an Alopecia patient who is unlucky in love.And his cousin,Mary Catherine who's dealing with her problem with boyfriend Charlie who wants to move to Los Angeles.

I like the movie a lot.Especially the bond between Sam and Rasyeen.I recommend you guys to watch this little gem of a movie..:)

Aside from Archie comics(which my mum still collects),Beano and Barbie comics(which I love when I was little),I am not really a comic's fan.My boyfriend on the other hand,is one.So he knows a lot more about the origin of this movie and the progression more than I do.

I have to say there was some really cool parts like when Hal/Green Lantern created those hot wheels or those machine guns.And plus,come on,it's Ryan Reynolds,the dude on my wish offense to Razin Yuzer whom I love very much!:P He is super hot in this movie and for the guys,there's Blake Lively who looked very 'don't mess with me' kind of woman.Loves it!

This movie still can't beat X-Men:First Class.But it was enjoyable nonetheless.

I have bought the book months before & read it before I watched the movie.And I have to say honestly that although it is a great book,the storyline is exhausting to the mind.This is because all of the characters have history or affairs with each other but all 5 of them are bestfriends.Laura and Tom used to be a couple for 5 years but now Tom is marrying Laura bestfriend's Lila.

They have a stellar cast though.Josh Duhamel,Katie Holmes,Anna Paquin,Malin Ankerman,Dianna Agron,Adam Brody,Elijah Wood,Candice Bergen and many more.The movie was directed by the book writer herself,Galt Niederhoffer.The executive producer is surprisingly,Katie Holmes!

I don't really like the movie though.haha.
The boyfriend have been promoting this movie to me to no end.I have of course known about this movie years back as I have 3 brothers and a dad whom have watched this movie as well.But I never gotten the urge to watch it because I was like a movie about a bunch of guys fighting?No thanks!haha.

But after much persistent and since the boyf have watched the Shopaholic movie with me,I watched the movie with his supervision.muahaha.The verdict?It was smart and mind blowing.An unexpected twist and after the movie ended,Razin rewinded a few parts and slowed them down so that I could see that Tyler has long existed especially during the flickering parts.

The twist was explosive because it made you question everything that you have seen throughout the movie.Never expected it!An awesome one indeed & would not have given the movie a shot if it wasn't for the boyfriend..:P


Ellen Whyte said...

Love Marvel Comics!

Liyana Hanim said...

the comics that i read since i was a kid & which my mum still collects is The Archie comic!:))