A simple recipe..part 2:Roasted vegetable dip.

Saturday, May 17, 2014 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

The first time I tasted a roasted vegetable dip was at Nandos.I ordered it because..I don't like eating their chicken..hahaha Yes,I'm weird.It came with toasted pita bread and it was so good.Yesterday I was suddenly craving for it so I decided to make my own.The recipe is super simple,inexpensive and you can make loads.Also it's very filling.

3 red capsicum
1 large bombay onion
3 cloves of garlic
Some greek yogurt/sour cream
Cooking spray
Sea salt and cayenne pepper for seasoning.

The steps!
1.Cut your capsicum and onion into chunks.
2.Spread the vegetables on an aluminum foil with the 3 cloves of garlic(no need to peel).
3.Spray some cooking spray over them evenly.
4.Roast them in a preheated oven--around 200 celcius from 15-30 minutes.Basically until they're soft and a little bit brown.
5.Put around 1-2 tablespoon of greek yogurt(you can use sour cream/mayo as well) in a blender.
6.Put the roast vegetables in the blender as well.Remember to peel the garlic..actually you can just push them & they come out easily.
7.Blend all of them together.Up to you if you want it to be chunky or smooth.
8.Add the seasoning.You can adjust according to your taste.
9.Serve with toasted pita bread.Yummms!

Roasted vege dip
Pita bread
 Hope you'll enjoy eating this dip..it's good with plain nachos as well :)