This worries me..a lot!

Sunday, April 20, 2008 Liyana Hanim 10 Comments

My former lecturer,Pn.Marina once told me that,I always feel strongly about certain issues and it makes me able to write pages and pages on any article that I feel strongly about.This one article that I read last week stayed in my mind and I decided to put parts of it here and a short view on it from me...I feel helpless because I can't do anything to help them..Or can I?

This blog entry refers to the article that appeared on Thursday,17th of April in The Star newspaper titled "Iraq's war on women" by Nafia Abdul Jabbar and Marwa Sabah.

The article is about how the life of women in Iraq is much much worse than they were during the rule of dictator Saddam Hussein.It is very disturbing for me,a fellow muslim who is living well here in Malaysia reading about how the women living in Iraq are demanding for just this--->
'the right to live'.

According to the article...
"...women are subjected to verbal abuse on the streets if they are not wearing a hijab and in and in extreme cases,face being abducted by unknown gunmen,who sexually abuse and then kill them."

In the southern city of Basra,in the northern Kurdish area and in the capital of Baghdad, there have been numerous cases of so-called "honour killings".

"A UN report said police in Basra registered 44 cases in 2007 where women were killed with multiple gunshot wounds after being accused of committing "honour crimes".In Baghdad,the report said,several women teachers have been shot dead by armed men,some of them in front of their students."

A report by the US-based Women for Women International released last month said the state of Iraqi women has become a "national crisis" since the March 2003 US-led invasion.
"Present day Iraq is plagued by insecurity,a lack of infrastructure and controversial leadership,transforming the situation for women from one of relative autonomy and security before the war into a national crisis,"said the report.

"When asked why,respondents most commonly said that there is less respect for women's rights than before,that women are thought of a posessions, and that the economy has gotten worse,"it said.The report also found that 76% of the women interviewed said that girls in their families were forbidden from attending school.

Suad Mohammed,an employee in Adhamiyah municipality in northwestern Baghdad,carries a pistol in her handbag to defend herself because of the very fact that it is not safe anymore for Iraqi women to even go out of their own house.

Islam doesn't promote violence and especially violence against women.What is happening with the people in the world?Oppression against women in an Islamic country??And not just that,but shooting them dead???Am I not crazy for being very,very afraid?This is just extreme..It's unbelievable and horrible.

The situation in Iraq is getting worse by the day and to think that Bush thought that the situation there will become better after Saddam is gone..(yeah he was trying to get the oil and used terrorist and Saddam as an excuse)And now?Look what has happened?How can you sleep well knowing that because of your decision,innocent women are being killed on the streets?

One bad decision can affects millions of others....I pray for the safety of the women in Iraq though I know that it will take a very long time for things to actually get better there.Please can anybody tell me what is the solution for this very disturbing situation?Does anybody know how we can help them in anyway???


Anonymous said...

Honor killing is the mooooossttt stupidest ritual I've ever heard. It's not embedded in the religion, but in the society. And yes, the victims are women. Luckily, we don't have such tradition here in Malaysia. I wrote something similar to this in my blog.

Gosh..Heal the world!

Anonymous said...

watch this... I've watched this few weeks ago. One of the victims of honour killing.

Liyana Hanim said...

just watched it...
that is just gruesome...
i showed it to my parents...
but my mum reminded me tat not every man in Iraq supports this ritual..
but it is soooo damn scary & disturbing when a bunch of men just stone & kill that woman & all of them took out their hp & record it...

Anonymous said...

Yep, actually, that one was edited. I've watched the raw ones where you can really see a guy suddenly stone the girl's head. I really pity her. NO ONE came for her salvation. What happen to them? That's a pure cruelty for heaven's sake! Ish... Very disturbing laa that video. Eventhough she's not a Muslim, I hope God let her rest in peace...

Anonymous said...

what can we do bout it?
it kills me when all we can do is just sit down, blog bout it, make other people realize how lucky they are to be living in malaysia, cry a lil bit...and MOVE ON with our lives. ): at the end of the day, the results are still the same.
what CAN we do?
all they want is 'the right to live'.
we cant give them dat. trust me, i swear upon ALLAH, if i have the power to give them that right..i WILL.
they dont want our fucking charity, they dont want food, they dont want clothes. they just want to LIVE.
something that i cant never give...):

Anonymous said...

its gonna take me like 30 minutes to hour n a half just to read that...
i agree with u(havent read yet)

Liyana Hanim said...

tatie syg...
perlu la kamu kate fucking charity...
haih..kate jgn mencarut???
mmg laaa...
what can we do after all?
but i truly believe that if more people
open up their eyes
blog about this
then more people will protest over it there...
atleast i'm doing my part by informing people who read my blogs, about it...

Liyana Hanim said...

yuppp moja...
that'll never happen in malaysia
as in stoning to death just because of interracial relationship...
damn scary...

Liyana Hanim said...

thanks jeng!!
lmbt benar upd8 blog kamu tuh..hehehe

george w. bush is a sicko. he's on crack most of the times, i ain't trust that guy.