Thursday, August 07, 2008 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

Fuuh penat!!!Yesterday,finish the gotong royong for MeKar at about 3.45 am!!No kidding!Had 'breakfast' with the 3 girls,Fazirul& his housemate & went to bed at 5 am!!!Woke up at 9.30 a.m for the big day.Considering the fact that the stuff the we sold at the PMFP booth are stuff that were donated by many lecturers(Pn.MaF,Azura,Dr.Aziah..&etc) and it's in the name of charity(non of the profits are for PMFP,it will go straight to En.Mahadi for his needs),I'm glad that we manage to hit the RM250++ mark today!Woohoo.Although our booth were a bit messy because of the rain,it was a good start & hopefully tomorrow will be another great day!