
Monday, May 18, 2009 Liyana Hanim 0 Comments

5 days involving myself in facilitating the modules and activities for Applied Sciences & Engineering students for their Finishing School Program(basically preparing the part 8 students how to do their resume, cover letter & do their interview) has opened up my eyes and taught me so many things.95% of the facilitators for the program was TESL student(moi’) which consist of me, my friends & lots of my seniors who had just finish their degree(uwaaa!!!!).

The TESLians were me,Hanna,Izza,Safa,Rina,Natra,Aim,Sipi,Afiq Hafiz,Fi,Naja,Falliq,Aqilah(thanks for the gorge manicure!!),Ili ,Liyana Kamaruzaman,& many more. I joined this programme because of my debate (though I haven’t debate in years & I adjudicate debates now from time to time) senior, Iqbal Hafiedz who asked me to join & find others who wanted to.

It was a wonderful experience because fortunate for me, I got a class of 31 students from various courses like Biology, Chemistry, Polymer Technology and 22 of the them consistently showed up for all 5 days (a lot of the facilitators told me that at one time their class had only 9 or 10 students attending although the name list states that there’s almost 30 students for each of the 19 classes).I was the facilitator along with Liyana Kamaruzaman, my senior & she’s so nice, smart & fun but during the night of the second day, she was transferred to Group 4 because their facilitator, Izza went to Singapore(I’m sure u had so much fun!!!^_^) so we had to say goodbye to her. My group was Group 1 (there were 18 groups altogether) & there were 2 trainers (lecturers) & me.

I knew one of the lecturers, Pn.Sharifah beforehand because I met her during the training for trainers and facilitators & she sat with me & my friends & we had no idea that she was a lecturer, pregnant(she so didn’t look like she was) & that she was 37 years old(she looked like our age!!Seriously! And she said is because she’s a very positive person) because she was cheerful, talkative (like yours truly!),bubbly and had spunk. It made the whole experience far more enjoyable for the 28 students that were in our class.