
Thursday, October 14, 2010 Liyana Hanim 4 Comments

Thanks to a good friend,I now have the advantage of having a steady internet connection at my parents abode.:)..Before this,although we have Streamyx at my parent’s,I subscribed broadband from Maxis back when I lived at my grandma’s place since there’s no internet there.But ever since I have been living back with my parents,the broadband connection got really sucky to the point of irritating me & also confusing my friends since I will be on and off on FB or YM.

But now I can cancel the broadband because I was given a router(which I never got the chance to buy) by said friend & can use Streamyx on my laptop as well.I know this might not sound interesting to you,but believe me,a slow internet connection is such a pain in the ass!And currently,thanks to my brother Haziq,who introduce me to the series The Big Bang Theory,I have been hooked on it ever since!I watched season 3 first since that’s the only season that my brother had.But got the rest of season 1 & 2 from my friend too.So happy!

Going through the season currently..Still haven’t finish watching it yet though.I find the show very brilliant!It astounds me the mind who wrote the script and came up with the concept of the show..I love the fact that not only it is funny but educational too!Plus,I’m a closet nerd..I have more books than shoes or bags!!ahaha.. I can so relate to Sheldon’s love of Battlestar Galactica—which l love too!!

This week I manage to finally send my car to the carwash(it's white so it got soo dirty that I am quite embarassed over it..ahaha)—I USED to wash my car on my own but ever since I started working,man,NO TIME to do so!Plus the carwash does the cleaning inside out & I love having the inside of my car super clean & vacuumed..:)

I am thinking of buying a new tv for my room cos’ the one that I have since I was 17 years old is now starting to blink!!Although I don’t watch tv that much,when I want to,it’s annoying when it goes blinky blink!I need a new tv!!!!!!!!!!!!Hopefully I'll get to buy atleast a 31-inch flat screen soon..hehe..:))

There’s a flu bug going around lately..A lot of people got it,including me..I hate it!It’s no.2 next to vertigo(which is the worse & you so don’t want to experience it---you feel like puking even when you walk normally!).It also made me realize,that lately or maybe since these past few months,my eating habit has been really poor.Oooh,but I got to eat hotcakes one morning!!Thank god Mcd is now open in Puncak Alam!!yeahhhh!

On weekdays I tend to eat only once in a day or twice.I know,bad!I will try to become healthy I guess ever since someone keeps pointing it out how bad my eating habits are..it’s easy for someone who always go to the gym!ahahahaOh,I have been reading reviews on the current season of Gossip Girl ,season 4 & I am sooo disappointed over the fact that now,Chuck is making Blair his number 1 enemy..so sad when you think about the history they had..:((..This will depress me & probably make me not want to watch the show a wee bit...

Currently been listening to new song Back to December by Taylor Swift(the vid sound quality is a bit weird..but download the song cos' I've been listening to it non-stop!haha).So sweet & sad..Heard she wrote it for Taylor Lautner..I love the fact that she can put her emotions and experiences into songs..That’s why her fans feel close to her because she writes stuffs that she’s going through..:)..Wish I can do that!My dad gave me this pair of aviators yesterday!!Woohoo!Now,I don’t have to buy a new pair..hehe.Talking about eyes,I need to find a good eye cream,something that will work on my really becoming worse dark circles & fine lines..doesn’t matter if it’s a bit expensive since it’ll be a great investment..The Body Shop Shiso White eye serum that I have been using for a few months does not seem to be working anymore..If anyone has any suggestion,please tell me!Look how pretty Lauren Conrad is on the cover of the recent issue of Teen Vogue!!I will buy it eventhough I haven’t bought Teen Vogue in years(move on to Vogue!)..I love her cos’ she always look so put together & impossibly chic.And although she came from Laguna Beach, she works hard for her money—designing clothes & writing books!I actually love her books..:)

Tomorrow is my off day from work & have many places to go with my mama.Got many errands to run!Hopefully we will be able to squeeze in a lunch at Ole2 Bali so that I can treat her & I want to eat the pisang bakar there!:))Nite peeps!xoxo

And OMG--SUPER DUPER EXCITED TO ROCK OUT TO PARAMORE SOON!!!!!!gahhhhh!!!Been listening to em' since uni days & now they're here!!


Ellen Whyte said...

My Jaring sucked for the first few months this year and is now good again. Such a relief!

Adilah. said...

Cute gila yr daddy <3

Liyana Hanim said...

ellen:glad to hear that!:)

adela:sgt x!!!ahaha..tu pon sbb i yg mintak kot..-___-

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